• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Blasty


    Dude... I see my name in that convo. Motherfucker better put me in commander
  2. Blasty

    Happy Birthday Neptune

    Happy belated bday
  3. Blasty

    A Cry for Change

    To the creator of this thread. Prussia didn't have a history when we first met. However as the community manager of hl2 it was one of the worst administrations this community has had. Clearly Prussia has not told you the whole story.
  4. Blasty

    That's not fair. Plenty of porn sites don't have black backgrounds. Like xvideos, xhamster, xnxx,

    That's not fair. Plenty of porn sites don't have black backgrounds. Like xvideos, xhamster, xnxx,
  5. Blasty

    Company Logo

    A quick Google search brought up this https://www.google.com/search?q=punching+the+moon&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiE7ZHSobDMAhUBZyYKHeLSD4MQ_AUICCgC&biw=598&bih=279#imgrc=LbKtin_x5MkaAM%3A
  6. Blasty

    Favorite show host?

    My favorite is Conan O'Brien.
  7. Blasty

    Imperial RP Avatars/ ID Cards

    Nice. What about one for security?
  8. Blasty

    Murlock | The Only |

    Perhaps its the font that is causing so many people to downvote it?
  9. Blasty

    Arma3 question

    If you can actually run the Division, Then You can definitely run arma 3, I play arma 3 some time and it runs smooth and with awesome fps. I tried to play the division and my graphics card almost broke.
  10. Blasty

    Inside the mind of Blasty: Intolerance

    Uh... I said I didn't like the way they dressed.... Not their race...
  11. Blasty

    Swtor server

    I'm not sure advertising on the forums is legal.
  12. Blasty

    Inside the mind of Blasty: Intolerance

    This mini forum serious will delve deep into the mind of Blasty. This is an educational series funded by children's tears and will get you to better know who and what Blasty is. This specific entry is about the stuff Blasty hates. I hate the Japanese culture. I personally cringe super hard...
  13. Blasty


    Don't like anime. Don't think 2 atom bombs was enough. Can't even begin to describe my hatred of Japanese culture.
  14. Blasty

    I'm making a map for imperial!

    HERE IT IS IN ALL ITS GLORY! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053417784/screenshots/#scrollTop=0 ALL 85 GLORIOUS EYE CANDY!
  15. Blasty

    I am bing cyber bullied.

  16. Blasty

    I'm making a map for imperial!

    Have no fear. Instead I shall make this.
  17. Blasty

    I'm making a map for imperial!

    Have no fear. Will still work on map. Making imperial light assault cruiser.
  18. Blasty


  19. Blasty

    I'm making a map for imperial!

    DAT feeling when night wing says he doesn't want new map...
  20. Blasty


    Not a blog its a demographics website run by professional representatives in different research fields. They are one of he Nielsen companies top competitors.