• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. NecroWolf

    What OS do you use?

    I use Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. I also have Ultimate Edition 3.4 and Ubuntu 12.04 running on VM's. I've also tried several others but the fact of the matter is Windows is the most compatible with the most software. Hell I still remember Windows 3.11! (I am so old :()
  2. NecroWolf

    Best Forum Software

    I've only used Suddenlaunch and phpBB so I voted for phpBB as Suddenlaunch is badly outdated at this point and has been replaced by ProBoards. I must admit the styles I use for my forum require manual modifications every time I add a mod, but other than that it's been pretty good. But as I said...
  3. NecroWolf

    Leaving computer on?

    Actually leaving a computer on all the time is better than turning it off and on a lot due to chip creep, and with modern computers now having energy saver technology it actually doesn't take so much electric if you do. What happens is the PCB's tend to expand and contract, causing things to not...
  4. NecroWolf

    Hardest game you have ever played?

    I'd have to say the original Prince of Persia, a side scroller from around 1989. I had the PC version, for MS-DOS. You had to hit the buttons exactly precise or you died. I have no idea how I didn't just smash the stupid thing! :)
  5. NecroWolf

    Recommended Graphic Programs

    I have to say GIMP. Once I got used to it it turned out to be quite powerful. Also, there's a portable edition that you can put on a thumb drive and use anywhere you find a computer with a USB port.
  6. NecroWolf

    Cheating Online

    Come on guys, don't put all hackers in the same category. (Bill Gates is the greatest all time hacker and you all wouldn't even be on here without him.) There's good hackers and bad hackers. Using hacks and cracks to cheat is very bad and very annoying. If you can't get your skills the right...
  7. NecroWolf

    Favorite Game?

    I would have to say Final Fantasy XII. I got into Final Fantasy with the original in 1990 for the NES. I've got over 400 hours in that game and I even play it on PC with a PS2 emulator since they never made a PC version. That's single player mind you as I can't choose a favorite multi-player...
  8. NecroWolf

    Gaming console you are just dying to have.

    I don't do consoles as the technology in them is severely outdated, although the XBox 720 and Playstation 4 are coming in about 3 years. The Wii U is supposed to be out this year but they are only upgrading it to match the current specs of the PS3 and XBox 360, so really they are just playing...
  9. NecroWolf


    When you say "lag" are you referring to frame skipping or dropped packets? In the 90's packet loss was so bad, because we were all on dial-up, that sometimes you could go eat dinner and still be in the same place!! (I feel old. :() Of course, frame skipping is just as annoying, and usually...
  10. NecroWolf

    What clan/guild are you in?

    I'm a member of |>PGS<| (Phoenix Gaming Syndicate) and they are a great clan, they have several servers for Soldier of Fortune II, Team Fortress 2, and Call of Duty 4. To join you have to play and post in their forums: PGS Website