Is it violent? Yes. But that's okay. It's rated "Mature" for a reason, and if people can't handle the kind of stuff that's in a video game like GTA, society is in a really horrible place.
I think I was about seven years old, when I first got a DS Lite. I played that thing to death. Then I got a 360 when I was eleven, and technically my brother and I were supposed to share it, but, I played it mostly. I got a 3DS when I was twelve, and then didn't really play games for about two...
Hello, and welcome! I would say I'm relatively new to gaming, as I've only started really playing games since the 360 and DS, though. This is really an awesome community, and I look forward to seeing you around!
I don't obsess over achievements/trophies, but I do enjoy collecting them. I definitely like the PlayStation's setup a lot more than the Xbox's achievements, but I'm on the PC, so it doesn't matter as much to me.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here! Truly an awesome community here.
I'm somewhat of a vintage/retro gaming fan, so to speak, but I tend to emulate the games on my PC ^.^
Welcome! I'm rather new here as well, but this is truly a great community! (:
May I ask what's the name of your internet radio station? Sounds interesting.
On the other hand, mobile game developers get paid through ads and such anyway. Not to mention, the mobile game market is like the darker realms of Steam. 98% of games are either rip offs of other popular games, or utter garbage. Mobile games aren't that difficult to develop.
I am extremely excited for this game. Even pre-ordered it. First game I've pre-ordered in my life. I'll never understand why a lot of people are so eager to claim this game a failure, before it even releases.
As for chairs, that doesn't matter at all. Just whatever makes you comfortable.
Otherwise, there is so much on the market, labeled as "gaming" whatever. Sometimes a particular product will end up costing more than it should, just because it's labeled "gaming" something. On the other hand, a...
I've never played WoW, nor do I have any desire to do so. I don't know, it just doesn't particularly appeal to me. Although I know many people who used to play, and still play, WoW for 3+ hours a day, every day. So, yeah, it seems addicting as hell.
Exactly! That's one of the many reasons why I enjoy multiplayer in games so much, even more than single player. Minecraft isn't my cup of tea, but I've logged probably about 40 hours into multiplayer. The Minecraft community really gets such a negative rap.
Yeah, that's good ^.^ I have my gaming PC, but when I'm tempted to drift away from work, I switch over to my crappy laptop, incapable of even playing the lowest of demanding games.