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Search results

  1. WildSpirit

    Rate Minecraft out of 10? i need to know before i download it..please

    I think that despite some problems and lack of originality (which is obviously not a good thing :sweat:), the game deserves a rating higher than 6.0 because the good aspects are still a majority.
  2. WildSpirit

    Who Plays FIFA HERE

    Yeah, the experiences are quite different, but not as different as you might imagine. Both ways of playing are very good and extremely fun. You should try it. :smiley:
  3. WildSpirit

    Utilizing an expensive gaming PC to its full potential

    Oh, my God! :tearsofjoy: When I see things like this I always wonder if the creativity of human beings will ever have an end. :tonguewink:
  4. WildSpirit

    Fifa gamers: Who's your favourite soccer player?

    I think Neymar is a good player, but he is too young and don't have no drop of personality. He is really boring and overreacted / overestimated. :tearsofjoy:
  5. WildSpirit

    We love Gran Turismo!!!

    I love Gran Turismo (it's so good, interesting and catchy) and I think when we talk about "racing games" (in a serious and more realistc way :sweatsmile:), Gran Turismo is the perfect choice for it.
  6. WildSpirit

    Who Even Plays Their Nintendo Wii?

    I don't play as much as I played a while ago, but I still play from time to time because I think that there are still some very good aspects. It's still worth spending some time playing on it. :wink:
  7. WildSpirit

    Pokemon Games

    I can totally understand you :smile: and I think feeling that sensation is a privilege that only a few players and fans can feel in a fully way. I don't know how to explain this, but it's something amazinf! :sunglasses:
  8. WildSpirit

    Pokemon Games

    I wouldn't say that it's my favorite in the Pokémon world, but it's definitely a good version. I like it a lot. :smiley:
  9. WildSpirit

    Pokemon Games

    I can say with all the words that I know that I love playing Pokémon in every possible and imaginable way. :tonguewink: It's definitely one of my favorite games in the whole world! :smiley: I've been a cartoon fan since I was a kid, and I'm still a fan. :sunglasses:
  10. WildSpirit

    The Legend of Zelda Series

    Although it is no longer a game so requested by me (but I still like to play it sometimes :smiley:), it has a place saved in my list of favorite games. It's definitely na excelent franchise and deserves all recognition. :wink:
  11. WildSpirit

    How possessive are you for your games?

    That's what I'm talking about... :tongueclosed:. People need to understand that once and for all. C'mon! :unamused:
  12. WildSpirit

    Is FIFА 15 still а pоpulаr оnlinе multiplаyеr gаmе?

    I still think it can be a very popular way of playing (the players still comment a lot on this), but it has been losing strength over the years and soon will not be so popular anymore.
  13. WildSpirit

    Most Goals you've scored in a game?

    My record in a single match were 13 goals (in FIFA 2016). I guess I'm a decent player, right? :smiley: I almost reached the same record in FIFA 2017, because I already made 12 goals in a single match.
  14. WildSpirit

    Fifa gamers: Who's your favourite soccer player?

    Although I like many players, who is at the top of my list is Lionel Messi because he is a clear definition (and also a great example, of course) of what a true football player should be.
  15. WildSpirit

    Last Game Played?

    Honestly, I've already lost count of how many hours I've played GTA: San Adreas. It's definitely (at least for me... :tonguewink:) the best version of GTA world. :smiley:
  16. WildSpirit

    How much can u rate destiny over ten(/10)?

    It's an super easy 10 ou 10 for me. :smiley: I love this game and I think it gets better with each new release. All the updates that are made are always great and interesting. :wink:
  17. WildSpirit

    Is it hard to be the Support?

    It's not my preference, but it's certainly not easy thing to do... However, at the same time I don't think it's that difficult if you really focus on what you need to do. It takes just a little extra attention. :sunglasses:
  18. WildSpirit

    Do you rather play alone? Or with friends?

    It's always fun to play with friends (the game seems to get even better :smiley:), but... Depending on your mood, don't you rather play alone? I feel that way sometimes. :smirk:
  19. WildSpirit

    Do you rather play alone? Or with friends?

    As for that choice, I really don't have a favorite because I like to play alone or in a group (it doesn't matter :smiley:). The thing that ends up defining this is my mood when I decide to play it. :tonguewink:
  20. WildSpirit

    How possessive are you for your games?

    We will keep our line of thought because I think they are the most appropriate :smiley:... And besides, what would be the world if we were all the same, right? :smirk: