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Search results

  1. Hidden308

    Do you ever record your gaming?

    I been wanting to make my own youtube gaming channel, but never had the time to do it. :( I have though recorded a few videos before though just test out a few things with my video editor, but I have not had the chance to upload any of them to youtube yet.
  2. Hidden308

    Do you have an original Xbox?

    Used to have it but I sold it. :P
  3. Hidden308

    Using Cheats

    Multiplayer I would never use cheats. I will though use cheats in the story though if I already beat it once already (without cheats of course) just for the fun of it. :P
  4. Hidden308

    What do you expect from Nintendo at E3?

    Well something is expected from the Wii U, I know that is for sure. I'm sure fans will be disappointed if there's not.
  5. Hidden308

    Samsung Galaxy SIII

    I don't think it comes out until this summer, correct? Will anyone be purchasing it?
  6. Hidden308

    WHY do you game?

    I feel like many people don't understand that gaming is FUN. They ask me "why don't you go outside and have some fun". It's like..I am having all the fun I need right here!
  7. Hidden308

    EVE Online

    Have you ever played EVE Online? I'm about to install the trial right now. It looks..quite interesting. Nothing like any other MMORPG that I have ever played.
  8. Hidden308

    Last film you watched ?

    The Bourne Ultimatum. One of my favorites.
  9. Hidden308

    Favorite Gaming Console

    The PS2? That's quite old. The only good game from the PS2 that I can remember is Crash Bandikoot (is that how you spell it?).
  10. Hidden308

    The Bourne Series

    So I just found out this was actually a series of books started in 1980? Some guy wrote all three between the 80s and 90s, and another guy picked up on them and wrote 7 more starting with The Bourne Legacy, which is the next movie. I think the books continue with Jason Bourne, but the new movie...
  11. Hidden308

    Do you ever record your gaming?

    Do you ever record your gaming and upload it to YouTube or other sites? Every now and then I might if I feel like I need to. I haven't for quite some time though.
  12. Hidden308

    How often do you listen to music?

    How often do you listen to music? I listen to it nearly every time I am at my computer, so quite a bit. When I am on the road I tend to take my iPod with me as well.
  13. Hidden308

    Wearing hats

    Do you wear hats? I do for baseball and sometimes around town. Usually it's just a hat that resembles my town.
  14. Hidden308

    Recording with your iPad?

    So is it true that you can record live things with an iPad? That's kind of..lame to be honest. Camera can do that and are literally 1/10 of the size.
  15. Hidden308

    Where do you purchase your hardware?

    Where do you purchase your hardware for your computer at? NewEgg for me. It's really popular and I usually don't get screwed over.
  16. Hidden308

    What do you expect from Nintendo at E3?

    What are you expecting from Nintendo at E3? A lot of people from IGN are saying that they better have something good or else they're going to be in trouble. Thoughts?
  17. Hidden308

    Will you buy the PS4 straight away?

    The price will no doubt be $250-$300..in my opinion. I really couldn't see it being any lower than that for the first year.
  18. Hidden308

    Will you purchase Black Ops 2?

    Will you purchase Black Ops 2? It ALL depends on whether or not my friends do. If they, of course. If not, I most likely will not.
  19. Hidden308

    Last Game Played?

    Just about to play some Diablo 3 in Nightmare mode on my demon hunter. It's almost unfair how much fun this game is..
  20. Hidden308

    PC Mini Games

    There's too much to do that there's no time! ;)