• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Toxique

    Which would you choose?

    Would you rather be 1. Very good at only one sport but completely suck at the rest or 2. Be "Ok" at every single sport. Which would you choose? I would pick number one and just stay committed to that sport and eventually go pro.
  2. Toxique

    Favorite Amc show?

    Yeah Breaking Bad is on the AMC network :)
  3. Toxique

    Happy 12/12/12 Day !

    Haha, no worries friend that day has long been gone :p
  4. Toxique

    Some Nikes that I made

    They let you customize the colors only really but you can change the colors for every little aspect.
  5. Toxique

    Toxique Signature

    Thanks for making me a signature and I have never seen a design done like that before, I must say it is very unique.
  6. Toxique

    Good job Lee Timberwolves!

    What did the other guys do, they must have been a dirty team to have gotten 3 cards in one game.
  7. Toxique

    Saints Row 2 Money Editor

    No I'm not doing what you think I'm doing... I think :p I'm just wondering how long they usually take to make.
  8. Toxique


    Just stay active and it shouldn't be too long :D
  9. Toxique

    Saints Row 2 Money Editor

    O wow, that must certainly take some time then.
  10. Toxique

    ProTechModz Signature

    Great job Light, you are getting a lot better. keep it up :D
  11. Toxique

    XPG Designs Work

    The V.I.P badge is hard to read but other than that nice job :)
  12. Toxique

    ProTechModz, 14,000 Posts/1,900 Threads

    Yeah, I have confidence that we could reach that goal!
  13. Toxique

    Saints Row 2 Money Editor

    Is it just you that develops it or is it a team?
  14. Toxique

    Saints Row 2 Money Editor

    Hmm, what kinds of programs can you develop? anything like Modio or Horizon?
  15. Toxique

    Toxique - ProTechPoster

    I have reached the ProTechPoster posting rank :) Thanks to everyone for making so many threads for me to reply on :p
  16. Toxique

    Saints Row 2 Money Editor

    Nice program Dev, never really knew you made any. :)
  17. Toxique

    Blog on Forums?

    I found one http://yaldaram.com/thread-5525.html?highlight=blogs except you have to pay for it.
  18. Toxique

    Retired Couple Trolls Police

    I feel bad for whoevers car that is :p