• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Hidden308

    Using Cheats

    It seems like games hardly have any cheats anymore..or at least the ones I play.
  2. Hidden308

    WindowsOS vs MacOS

    I would only use a Mac for a laptop. They are great with those..
  3. Hidden308

    Things You Don't Like

    Haze that's so true. Irritates me so much that it's just like..WHY?
  4. Hidden308

    Family Guy Online

    You're kidding me lol. Not something that would interest me at all.
  5. Hidden308

    Super Smash Brothers Brawl

    Same here with some friends! We would always have tournaments or 2v2s.
  6. Hidden308

    Wireless or Wired controllers

    Looks like it is a unanimous vote for wireless.
  7. Hidden308


    Do you have beats? I always see people with them, but they cost so much!
  8. Hidden308

    Open Diablo 3 Beta!

    It has been announced: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4963739/Diablo%C2%AE_III_Open_Beta_Weekend-4_19_2012#blog Free to play open beta this weekend has started! Downloading my client now. Is anyone else playing?
  9. Hidden308

    Last Game Played?

    Installing the Diablo 3 beta to play!
  10. Hidden308

    If you won a million dollars..

    Stocks? Oooh risky. Should start some online business :P
  11. Hidden308

    Consistent Bands

    What bands do you feel create consistently amazing music? I think Angels & Airwaves ALWAYS has amazing albums. Never disappointed with them. I am never disappointed with Many bands, but AvA always seems to be out ahead for every album they release.
  12. Hidden308

    What kind of car do you drive?

    What kind of car do you drive? I drive a Durango. Suits my needs.
  13. Hidden308

    Minecraft on XBOX

    Have you ever tried it Naiwen?
  14. Hidden308

    Favorite Gaming Character

    I'd have to switch mine to Jim Raynor from Starcraft and SC2. Always been a badass.
  15. Hidden308

    GW2 Beta Event!

    It's finally here! NEXT weekend from Friday the 27th to Sunday the 29th will be the Guild Wars 2 beta! You can still get in if you pre-purchase. The details are here: http://www.arena.net/blog/the-beta-weekend-event-is-coming I'm going to be videoing everything I do, so you better watch! A lot...
  16. Hidden308

    What's your PC brand?

    I never liked Toshiba. Always thought they were..meh.
  17. Hidden308

    Trading or Selling games?

    Start this topic back up again, it was rolling! :P I typically throw the really old games out ^^
  18. Hidden308


    You still have a cd player? Jeesh thought those things were long gone!
  19. Hidden308

    Do you die a lot in shooting games?

    So you probably camp and die to people who don't camp? Haha joking :P
  20. Hidden308

    Dead or Alive?

    So like Mortal Kombat or Brawl in some ways?