• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Hidden308

    Golden Sun Series

    What is it for? Sounds like a James Bond game.
  2. Hidden308

    Using the Wii made you fit?

    No, not at all lol. I only play the Wii for fun anyways, not to get fit.
  3. Hidden308

    Nintendo 3DS

    Well the new Black and White is being released shortly in Japan isn't it?
  4. Hidden308

    Super Mario Galaxy 2

    I haven't ever played it. Is it an older game?
  5. Hidden308

    Minecraft on XBOX

    Yeah there's currently a minor edition of it, but it's not necessarily Minecraft. I may play it once the real edition is there.
  6. Hidden308


    Not at all lol. I mean, I like getting them, but I don't play for them at all.
  7. Hidden308

    What attracted you to the XBOX?

    I think all of the popularity and my friends that play it is what brought me to buy one.
  8. Hidden308

    Favorite game to play XBL?

    So true. Though it angers me when I play with pre-schoolers..
  9. Hidden308

    What would make the XBOX better?

    I think they should limit the bad games that are allowed to be on the Xbox lol.
  10. Hidden308

    Will you be in the first GW2 beta?

    Since ArenaNet has said there WILL be a Guild Wars 2 beta at the end of April for all pre-purchasers, will you be one of them? I definitely will! If you are let me know.
  11. Hidden308

    What are you listening to?

    The War - AvA
  12. Hidden308

    General Chat Thread

    Had prom last night. Great night! The ending wasn't so great, but otherwise I had a blast :)
  13. Hidden308

    Tycoon Games

    Haha! Well isn't there some Tycoon 3D out or something? Kind of want to get my hands on one..
  14. Hidden308

    Android Games vs iPhone Games

    More advanced? Not even close.
  15. Hidden308

    Temple Run

    Just like any other boring phone game IMO.
  16. Hidden308

    Movies you're looking forward to?

    I heard they have even MORE fighting than the LOTR movies..which is crazy.
  17. Hidden308

    General Chat Thread

    Hey all. Been sick today, not good :(
  18. Hidden308

    Pre-Purchase Guild Wars 2: Available!

    You can now pre-purchase Guild Wars 2 at https://buy.guildwars2.com/! I am unsure of whether I will be getting the digital edition or digital deluxe edition. What about you?
  19. Hidden308

    Battlefield 3 Xbox patch out!

    What do you mean by that?
  20. Hidden308

    Best Clan Names

    I've seen people with names like that I think, but never the clan.