• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Epicfied

    Favorite Gaming Console

    Any gamer has a preference on their console. Whether their favorite console is considered retro or is the newest out there, it's still their favorite. I'm curious. What is your favorite console to game on? I personally love my PC overall. Most of my gaming is spent on here. It also...
  2. Epicfied

    How many Hours?

    I definitely play more over breaks and on weekends. On school nights, I game 1-3 hours per night. On weekends I tend to game 5-10 hours per day. It seems a little excessive, but most times it's with friends. We take breaks. We do other things that just game. It's fun and very enjoyable.
  3. Epicfied

    Pokemon - A dying series?

    I grew up with Pokemon. It was great. I loved it. I still do. Today's Pokemon, however, is awful. I don't like the newest generations. Yes, Pokemon is a dying series. It will stay alive though because of new generations of kids.
  4. Epicfied

    Old School Gaming

    I usually don't consider PS1 retro, but I do suppose it is 'old-school'. Anyway, do you still play any of them? What were your favorite game? If you don't play them anymore, but still own them... Do something for me, and most of all yourself, and bring out the old system and play your favorite...
  5. Epicfied


    Besides gaming, what do you do on your off-time? What else do you enjoy to do and what are you hobbies? I'm thoroughly curious because I know everyone's different. We all share the common love of gaming, but maybe we share something else. So, what do you enjoy?
  6. Epicfied

    Wireless or Wired controllers

    I definitely prefer the wireless controllers. The wired controllers are handy if you don't have charged batteries or a charged battery pack. However, they get in the way...a lot. Wireless controllers allow you to move wherever you want whenever you want. If you're gaming with a group of people...
  7. Epicfied

    What nintendo consoles do you own?

    I'm not really into the newest Nintendo products. I have the NES and SNES retro gaming-wise. I play my NES still but my SNES is missing a cord at the moment. I also have a white DSLite with a cracked touch screen and a black DSLite fully functional. I think I also still have a Gameboy Advanced...
  8. Epicfied

    Old School Gaming

    Nothing's better than occasionally breaking out the old systems, blowing the dust off of them, and playing them for a few hours or possibly a day. Most of us are all out for the newest PC games, Xbox 360, and whatever other new platforms are your current favorite. What about those old gaming...
  9. Epicfied

    League of Legends, do you play it?

    My boyfriend got me into playing League of Legends about a year ago. I absolutely love it. I usually main supporting, but I'll gladly play AP carry mid and AD carry bot. Just no jungle or solo top...I suck at those. Username: Epicfied
  10. Epicfied

    Last Game Played?

    On the computer, I'm currently playing League of Legends and occasionally Realm of the Mad Gods. I am definitely waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out. On the Xbox 360, I'm still playing Skyrim and the newest Mortal Kombat. I occasionally play different Halos and CODs with my friends, but not the...