• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Toxique

    You guys would like this

    I saw this on youtube and since it is Christmas time, why not :p http://youtu.be/cQpmaHXRyEs
  2. Toxique

    Post all Yo Mama Jokes Here

    The most hurtful yo mama joke ever: Yo mama so stupid she had you.
  3. Toxique

    Hey guys, i'm Light

    Welcome to ProTechModz Chris, great to see you plan on being an active and loyal member. If you need any help feel free to post in the help desk or pm me or any of the other staff members. I hope you enjoy the site!
  4. Toxique

    Introducing Panda©

    Panda, you need 10 more posts then you reach "Junior" :)
  5. Toxique

    What phone do you have ?

    You should sell your iphone, you could still get a good amount for it.
  6. Toxique

    Windows 8?

    Has one gotten windows 8 yet? My mom got it on her computer and I have to say it is pretty good. The boxes are just the start up screen and you can still use the "normal desktop view" if you like. However it is pretty hard to navigate around at first but eventually you get use to it. If...
  7. Toxique

    What phone do you have ?

    Does anyone have the Galaxy Note 2? I want to know if it is good or not.
  8. Toxique

    Oh my well uh you see children..

    O don't you worry, you are more significant than "Vani" could ever be :3
  9. Toxique

    Hey everyone

    Maybe so :]
  10. Toxique

    Hey everyone

    Seems we have a lot of members located in Ohio, I live near there if that counts for anything :p Anyways welcome to ProTechModz Leon :)
  11. Toxique

    How are you enjoying BO2?

    Haven't played the multilayer yet but I did play some zombie matches and it was pretty fun, I love how you can have up to 8 players in a game now.
  12. Toxique

    Hosting GB Infections

    Are you still hosting this?
  13. Toxique


    Their is still discussion on this thread so closing it wouldn't be the best idea :p
  14. Toxique

    Chicken on a raft

    Holy Crap Voi, mind singing the song to us :p jk I'm going to try to beat you now :@
  15. Toxique

    List of All Black Ops 2 Maps

    Spoiling? No, I am just informing you about the maps before you get the game :3
  16. Toxique

    Forza Horizon Review

    Any of them are good, I use to play Need for Speed Underground 2 when I had my gamecube :p
  17. Toxique

    Chicken on a raft

    How long can you handle being on the raft? http://chickenonaraft.com/ I was just over 2 minutes then firefox crashed on me 8(
  18. Toxique

    Black Friday Madness

    Especially when those animate objects are half off :7
  19. Toxique

    Black Friday Madness

    It would be easier to order online, you would stil get those great savings without the crazy buyers :p
  20. Toxique

    Zombies Barrier Glitch on Tranzit/Diner

    I haven't been able to try this yet but it looks like it should work. Not sure if they have patched it yet though anyways here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjzaCj-0x9A&feature=share&list=ULrjzaCj-0x9A Video made by daModder100HD