• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Hidden308

    Most favorite TV series?

    Pawn Stars is great! I love watching it if I have nothing better to do.
  2. Hidden308

    Track Events

    If you are in track what events do you run/do? Or if you are not in track which do you prefer to watch? I run 100s, 200s, 400s, and 800s.
  3. Hidden308

    Vent or TeamSpeak

    Same here. I've used TS once and it's not the same. I'm not even sure if many use it anymore.
  4. Hidden308

    What do you want in next-gen gaming?

    Backwards compatitibility? As in..what?
  5. Hidden308

    ACIII on the Wii

    There are games that belong on the PC and others that do not, such as this, in my opinion. RPGs are out..no one plays them anymore as they are offline.
  6. Hidden308

    Battlefield 3 Xbox

    Maybe if the maps weren't so big and the gameplay were more like CoD I would play.
  7. Hidden308

    Last film you watched ?

    I heard that movie was a bust. Last watched for me was the Hunger Games. So great!
  8. Hidden308

    New Linking Park Single

    Check out this video they just posted: http://www.viddy.com/video/3907d782-b471-45fc-a9f2-0ae470813bea
  9. Hidden308

    Whats your Favourite Type of Game?

    Adventure and action type of games. Some like Guild Wars 2 and Mass Effect 3. :P
  10. Hidden308

    What are you currently doing?

    Just chilling. Had track practice this morning. Relaxing all day sounds good!