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Search results

  1. Hidden308

    What eSports do you watch?

    Blizzcon tournaments are iffy. MLG tournaments are where it's at. The commentating is fabulous and they host the best of the best!
  2. Hidden308

    Favorite Childhood Game?

    What was your favorite game as a child? Probably Mario. I started playing that when I was like 6.
  3. Hidden308

    Xbox to go digital?

    Yeah it's like a Steam for Xbox. I think it could go either way in sales, knowing that people have to buy a new game instead of used games.
  4. Hidden308

    SimCity Details Leaked

    There could be a new SimCity coming! Here is the article from IGN: http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219684p1.html?utm_campaign=twposts&utm_source=twitter I used to always place this game. It's so intriguing and makes you use your imagination! What do you think?
  5. Hidden308

    What do you want in next-gen gaming?

    What do you want in next-gen gaming? What advancements do you want? For example, what do you want to see in the next-gen Xbox or Wii? I'm hoping for more upscale graphics and more in-depth games. Even MMORPGs on a console.
  6. Hidden308

    The 5 D's of Guild Wars 2

    For those Guild Wars 2 doubters, here are some reasons for you to check out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EfMLdoXEks
  7. Hidden308

    Latest Purchases?

    Same here. Lunch at school. It was pretty delicious.
  8. Hidden308

    Wii U

    Do you have a Wii U? I do not. Unsure of what a Wii U even looks like. I have heard of it before though.
  9. Hidden308

    Xbox 720 Codename: Durango

    A sphere, a box, who knows? No official prototype has been made as far as I am aware.
  10. Hidden308

    What eSports do you watch?

    It is a huge thing actually! MLG hosts tournaments along with other huge things. Big money is to be earned!
  11. Hidden308

    The Maine - Listen To Your Heart

    This is my new favorite song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbFc_vAEgIQ
  12. Hidden308

    League of Legends

    It's DotA. Such a great game. I understand it's repetitive, but some people like games like that as they take skill!
  13. Hidden308

    What eSports do you watch?

    Do you watch any eSports gaming? What games? I used to watch a LOT of Starcraft 2, but lost interest lately.
  14. Hidden308

    Xbox 720 Codename: Durango

    So apparently the new codename for the Xbox 720, or next-gen Xbox, is "Durango". You can see an example prototype from a year or two ago and info on it here: http://www.complex.com/video-games/2012/02/xbox-720-codename-durango-confirmed-by-crytek I don't really think it needs a codename...
  15. Hidden308

    Guild Wars 2 beta set for late March

    Not necessarily. If not world size, then what does the capacity matter? How fast it is? It's going to be perfectly fine. ArenaNet knows about these potential issues, as most gaming companies would, which shouldn't be an issue.
  16. Hidden308

    Wireless or Wired controllers

    I need to get a wired controller for PC games that will let you use them!
  17. Hidden308

    Xbox to go digital?

    Well this is for Xbox. And what I mean is that Gamestop will no longer sell used Xbox games and same with online stores, as Death180 said.
  18. Hidden308

    Pokemon Black & White 2

    Oh Pokemon isn't too bad. I haven't played a Pokemon game since I was a young kid, but it was sure a blast!
  19. Hidden308

    What would a PS4 offer?

    That wouldn't surprise me at all. Graphics are a Huge part of gaming and something all consoles should be focusing on.
  20. Hidden308

    Gaming Genres

    RPG? What RPGs do you play? There aren't too many good "JUST" RPGs out there left!