What you say is totally true, but what if the price is high ? I have always wanted to buy Rocksmith (Guitar game) but the price is so high for me. So I was desperate looking for the copy on the net.
Laning phase is what I master the most. The only problem I have is the late game. Too much tank and lot of cc is what me makes lose games. I think that I must try to finish early.
I have never bought a game on internet, because I wasn't familiar with buying in internet in general. In the real life, I just buy a copy and it costs basically 1$ to 4$ as a maximum amount.
Thank you dude, I know that she is a high mechanical champion that can lead to victory easly. To snowball the lane early might help and to roam too as well. I have started playing her two seasons ago. She is more powerful now with her lethality build.
I am used to play MOBAs, I will try it of course but I don't know how it is going to be, because the word MOBA is linked to a computer game. Maybe it is going to generate a revolution and we will start playing Dota 2 and League of legends on Xbox One !
Windows 7 is what I use, I don't want to upgrade it to windows because it seems hard to use. I've heard too that it uses a big capacity of RAM. So I try to excute the updates to protect my laptop and that's all !
Well my favorite browser is avast zone, it seems weird because rare are people who use it, but it is good and easy to use, simple and there's a window for card payment which is protected and under control !
Well I haven't done it yet but I think that I am going to leave league of legends because the communauty is toxic. Some play to lose, some play to only win and some don't even care. League of legends had a good reputation, for now, I don't think so.
Hello, my friend a I want to start developping games either in Android and for PC. We don't know what to focus on exactly, we are beginners and we have tried to watch tutorials on Youtube but it is not helpful at all.