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Search results

  1. Khalil A

    What do you think guys about Watch dogs 2 ?

    I've watched a lot of videos on Youtube about watch dogs 2. It seems nice to play, but is there any one here who played it to give me some information about the play style, graphics and missions. Thank you
  2. Khalil A

    What I hate about pc gaming

    There's nothing I hate about PC Gaming. I find that it is better than other gaming platforms. I am saying this only of the PC highly performing : 60 FPS - 720p-1080p.
  3. Khalil A

    Harry Potter Fans?

    Well I've played a Harry Potter game, it's called The half blood prince. It is enjoyable, but it is too short and too easy, nothing is challenging. I prefer demon stone over it, you can control 3 character in the same time even it's about fighting, but still it is about magic too.
  4. Khalil A

    McDonalds vs Burger King?

    Well, I will say that no one is good. Junk food in general is a loss of money and health. For your health sake, eat bio and drink bio :smiley:
  5. Khalil A

    Do you go to the Gym?

    Well, I used to go to the gym because I had some emotional issues and I could break anything and by the way I broke my guitar. It helped me a lot to go over this issues. But if you want to do it for bodybuilding, you must be so motivated and you must adopt a schedule which is really organized ...
  6. Khalil A

    Any Riven Main here ?

    Hello guys, Riven a really champion, fun to play and over powerful. If you have any tips or combos then inform us !
  7. Khalil A

    Do you bet on games?

    Well it is a kind of bet when you participate in a tournament. I did it twice, my team and me, we participated as 5 in a League of legends tournament and we finished a 2nd. We won a prize which is equal to 20$ per a person. The feeling was great ! Doing something you love and earning money from...
  8. Khalil A

    Worst Game Ever Played?

    The worst game I've played is democracy 3 ! I don't know if I don't know how to rule, or if the game is programed to be hard. In this game, you are the president of a country and you have to take decisions according to your political orientation ... Hard and bad !
  9. Khalil A

    Favorite Childhood Game?

    My favorite game was WWE. I swear I am not violent !
  10. Khalil A

    iPhone vs Android

    As a meme says : Iphone is like an old nokia. Iphone is the full restriction, I mean Itunes is needed, no usb ... Android is love, Android is life !
  11. Khalil A

    Your first online game?

    My first game is Dofus ! Such an addictive game that ruined my teenaging period ! No girls, no parties only Dofus !
  12. Khalil A

    Alienware Laptops

    You a You are welcome man ! We as consumers must be aware ! Good luck !
  13. Khalil A

    Game Characters

    Geralt of rivia from the witcher is my favorite character, he is charesmatic as a person, he has a lot of abilities : Fighting, convincing, magic ... A great character !
  14. Khalil A

    Alienware Laptops

    I will say more than 50%, and you know, a product can never be as good as we think, there's always marketing which boost the brand ! ;)
  15. Khalil A

    Alienware Laptops

    Marketing is able to change everything ! Alienware are good but not enough. According with my experience with Alienware gaming laptop,I can tell you that it was good at the begining but after a while issues have started to appear and I still ignore why. The design is attractive and the...
  16. Khalil A

    Any tips to help low elo players climb the ladder !

    Hello guys, a lot of league of legends players struggle to gain elo maybe duo to lack of knowledge or mechanics ... So we want you here as high elo players to give some tips to improve such as warding and decision making ! Thank you guys !
  17. Khalil A

    You can be one champion for a day, who do you pick?

    If I had the choice, I would be Draven and Welcome to the league of draven ! The axes are amazing to play with, and he deals a tone of damages !
  18. Khalil A

    Leaving a game?

    I leave a game when I feel obliged too. Most of time on MOBAs I continue until the end of the game. Sometimes I just want to surrender when it is a problem of trolling and intentional feeding. I have left for 30 games in like 2000 games including games which are interrupted due to connexion issues.
  19. Khalil A

    How often do you play?

    It depends on the work and the mood. If I am free and I feel to play, then I can play 12h/24h, if not I play one game on league of legends and I stop.
  20. Khalil A

    CPU or Graphic Card?

    I think that CPU has as function to treat mathematical operations per second. However video games processing isn't the same as simple operations, it doesn't rely essentialy on CPU treatment, it requires high graphic card which is especially made to treat such a different operation which is...