• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. huggy212

    Side quests

    I often do side and main quest at the same time. Most of the side quest are related to main quest if you got the timing correctly. Usually side quest are found on the same map with your main quest whether it is killing mobs or talking to npcs. By doing this im always hitting 2 birds in 1 stone...
  2. huggy212

    What was your first Playstation console that you bought

    I never bought any playstation console but the very first that i had is playstation 1 when my parents gave that to me(if youcount it). I was very young at that time and most of my games are role playing games. Those small memory card that I cannot even remember the Capacity of those. Game shark...
  3. huggy212

    Is it hard to be the Support?

    I For me support is life in all games. Yes having a strong adc is very much important but being a support gives the chance to turn the tides in your team's favor. It can help a losing lane by roaming to that lane and gangling for a kill. A support should have a keen eye whoever needs the very...
  4. huggy212

    Who uses a laptop for gaming?

    I am using my laptop for everything. I am working onboard a cruiseship and it is essential that i always bring just a laptop. I mainly use my laptop for gaming i bought it last 2016 and until now it can support most of the advance high spec-requirement pc games. It has a dedicated videocard...