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Search results

  1. Frank

    Favorite Childhood Game?

    I think it was more of me being quiet enough so that she could sleep why she let me play so much :D
  2. Frank

    Difficulty or Fun?

    Yeah, and that's the difficulty derived from frustration and that's equally annoying. That's what the difficulty setting is for. I feel you though. So many games I gave up when I was younger when I got stuck at a certain stage.
  3. Frank

    Harry Potter Fans?

    You're usually right. Same with movies based on video games. But, this one really worked for me and maybe you're right, maybe this is just my childhood nostalgia talking. I remember having fun and in the end, isn't that all that matters?
  4. Frank

    Leaving a game?

    Unless I got work or am hungry or have some other pre-arranged obligations, I am not leaving a game unless I'm too tired and want to go to sleep or if I'm not happy with the game. And that's a bad sign. Probably means I'll never play it again because if it's so easy to leave it, why come back?
  5. Frank

    Harry Potter Fans?

    Yeah, I feel you. Harry Potter was the franchise of my childhood. Read the books when I was a kid, finished them when I was a teen. But HP games were always great for me. I enjoyed them quite a bit. There was one, I think it's the fourth part, where you could play co-op and me and my sister just...
  6. Frank

    Do you dream about your game?

    Absolutely. This is called the Tetris effect I believe. When you go to sleep and you close your eyes and all you see is the game you just spent 5 hours on playing.
  7. Frank

    What is the latest version of Battlefield?

    Yeah, it's kinda weird to call it Battlefield 1, but they did anyway. As a side note, has anyone played it? How is it? I used to be a big fan of historical shooters back in the day when they were popular and am really thinking about giving this one a shot.
  8. Frank

    Favorite Childhood Game?

    Oh, man, I feel you. Crash was the best back in the day. Certainly one of my favorites as well. One of my other favorites is probably Super Mario. I would wake up in the middle of the night, sneak out to the living and play. I only recently found out my mom heard me every time, but she let me...
  9. Frank

    Difficulty or Fun?

    Depends on the game and how the difficulty is set. Is the game hard because you need a lot of skill to beat it? Or is it hard because of some pre-set win conditions which will make game glitch out so you can't reach them unless you do certain things? I still prefer fun though. Games like Tomb...
  10. Frank

    What was your first console

    Sega genesis. I can still remember playing Sonic and Aladdin on it, it was the greatest. My older cousin had Sega too and he'd sometimes bring Mortal Kombat and he'll regularly beat me, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Mostly because my folks wouldn't let me play MK.
  11. Frank

    The Last Game You Lost Sleep Over

    That is horrible yet awesome. Like, you know you should be a normal functioning and responsible adult, yet the game is so dope you just can't get away from it. I've been there man, with GTA especially.
  12. Frank

    Longer or shorter story modes?

    Game story has become an art. These days, games can offer meaningful and beautiful stories almost in the same way movies or novels can. I don't have a preference towards long or short stories in a game, I just want a good story. I don't mind playing for only 3 or 4 hours if the story is...
  13. Frank

    GTA vs Saints Row

    Saints Row 1 and 2 were similar to GTA San Andreas for me and GTA:SA is probably my favorite game of all time. But, I prefer more realistic sandbox of GTA IV and V than SR3 or SR4. Don't get me wrong, later Saints Row games are super fun, but I just prefer GTA.
  14. Frank

    WHY do you game?

    I was gonna come in here and say pretty much this. And there are different games which do different kinds of things. Cities: Skylines for example, is my current go-to when I want to do some relaxing, but I'll definitely play a game like EU4 if I want to think and be challenged, but not needing...
  15. Frank

    A game you're currently addicted to..

    Man, those are some great games. I love the whole 80s vibe, but more than everything, they're just so addictive. Recently I got a new graphics card which was the opportunity to re-play GTA V and I have to say I love every minute of it. I can't believe how much I actually play a game I have...
  16. Frank

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    Yeah, this used to happen to me too. Not so much lately, but when I was a teenager and just started getting into gaming, my leg twitched when I was playing PS3 and I knocked it off a coffee table and onto my leg. Messed up my ankle and the console. These days I'm much more careful where I put my...
  17. Frank

    Hardest game you have ever played?

    Which is why we love hard games. I remember playing HL1 and being scared of the monsters and then combined with the difficulty... Man, that was tough. But, the sense of accomplishment is great. I haven't played a game like that in a long while, modern games should definitely take something from...
  18. Frank

    Own/Owned An Android Phone?

    Me too. Which one do you have? Mine's a G2 from 2013, but I'm still more than happy with it.
  19. Frank

    Favorite Game Engine?

    Supports JavaScript as well. I'm kinda the opposite though, I never learned C++ (although next year in college I will probably have to LOL) so I never messed with Unreal. I haven't made anything serious in Unity either, but being familiar with C# definitely helped me which is why I'm giving...
  20. Frank

    Last Game Played?

    GTA V. I literally just hit exit LOL But, the last 'new' game I played is Alpha Protocol which is a bit of an older game, but the one I haven't played so far. It's a secret agent RPG which is a really cool concept and I'm honestly surprised there haven't been more games like it.