• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. W

    What is one childhood possession that you still have?

    Something like a toy, book, etc.. I have my teddy bear piggy bank thing that I still put all my spare change in. :P
  2. W

    Phrase(s) that you hate hearing?

    There's a lot of phrases that whenever I hear them, they just bug me. One of the worst ones, I would say, is "new and improved", which is usually said in commercials. Another would be "Brand new flavors!". To me that's "modified to minimize costs". So, what are some phrases that you hate...
  3. W

    What are overly-complained things in life that aren't a big deal?

    What are some things that people complain about on a daily basis when really it is not a big deal at all? I think one of the worst is exaggerating being hungry. Uh oh, you haven't eaten anything in 3 hours? Let me call UNICEF and redirect the food packages. Another thing would be parking as...
  4. W

    The parents

    I'd say I have a pretty good relationship with my parents. We do argue of course, but that's normal.
  5. W


    Welcome to PTM. Hope you like it.
  6. W

    What was the last thing you purchased?

    My last Amazon order was for an iPod Touch, two pairs of Beats, and a printer. All gifts, not for me. Offline, the last thing I bought (besides food) was my S4.
  7. W

    Sports you play

    I used to play football (American). I don't anymore though.
  8. W

    Are you a saver or a spender?

    Saver. I do treat myself to something every once in a while though.
  9. W

    What are you scared of?

    Death .
  10. W

    Pets of GR

    RE: Pets I have a cat. 4 and a half months old.
  11. W

    Sony:1 Microsoft:0

    If you hadn't already heard, for the Xbox One, Microsoft is having restrictions on allowing you to play games already used on another console. In other words, you cannot buy or sell a used game or borrow a copy from somebody. It has to be brand new. This is Sony's response...
  12. W

    Longest You Have Been Awake?

    What's the longest you have been awake for? For me it was just under 3 days or so.
  13. W

    Do you smoke?

    The smoke is what causes the most harm. That's easily avoidable.
  14. W

    Do you smoke?

    Just wondering if anybody here smokes.. It can be weed or cigarettes or whatever. I smoke weed every few days or so. How about you guys?
  15. W

    Man gets 11 pounds of pot in mail by mistake

    I know I wouldn't have.
  16. W

    Man gets 11 pounds of pot in mail by mistake

  17. W

    If you had to pick one YouTube channel to watch..

    If you had to pick one YouTube channel to watch, what would it be? I would pick http://youtube.com/woodysgamertag
  18. W

    Sorry for my Absence

    Yes :?
  19. W

    Sorry for my Absence

    It's all good. Nobody missed you anyway. :7