• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Fuzed

    Longest You Have Been Awake?

    8 AM-6AM
  2. Fuzed

    Sorry for my Absence

    Who are you?
  3. Fuzed

    When do you finish school?

    June 5th.
  4. Fuzed

    TheRedPatch edit by Squizls

    I could've sworn i say you say computer?
  5. Fuzed

    TheRedPatch edit by Squizls

    Nice edit, if only Xbox has stuff like that.
  6. Fuzed

    Hulk Hogan Leg Drop ;D

    That had to hurt.
  7. Fuzed

    QSFL | Recruiting | Sniping & More | YouTube | Twitter | Homepage

    Aww i thought i was co leader :( Squizls, Quick Scope For Life. And can we advertise our clan forums here?
  8. Fuzed

    Black Ops II: Nuketown 2025 Free

    Anyone who has played BO2 has it free already, they are forced to download it since a few months ago.
  9. Fuzed

    ÏŸ Photoshop - Complete Guide for Beginners ÏŸ

    RE: ÏŸ Photoshop - Complete Guide for Begginers ÏŸ Nice thread monkey! I fixed a BBcode mix up at the bottom of post. /Stickied nice job :)
  10. Fuzed

    Keep the Story Going

    He got run over by a motorcycle gang.
  11. Fuzed

    Voiage, why u never on AIM?!

    There is a pm system for a reason.
  12. Fuzed

    I am creating an html and css template here is a preview

    /Closed due to arguments.
  13. Fuzed

    I am creating an html and css template here is a preview

    I love how this turned into an argument. Stay on topic, or your post will be deleted.
  14. Fuzed

    19,000 Posts

    You are kind of late :7
  15. Fuzed

    I am creating an html and css template here is a preview

    If it looked like shit, it would look like actual shit in a toilet :7 There are better words than shit, if you are giving an opinion use something better than shit. -Squish-
  16. Fuzed

    I am creating an html and css template here is a preview

    Nokturnal, if you are going to say it is shit, atleast give him tips to improve.
  17. Fuzed


    Alright good to hear, let's hope noone messes with it again.
  18. Fuzed

    Keep the Story Going

    Stuck it in their vajajays and squirted on the citizens from a skyscraper.
  19. Fuzed


    I was Lagging.
  20. Fuzed

    Favorite Sport(s)

    Call of Duty. It gives me a lot of exercise.