• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Fuzed

    GIMP: Complete Animation TuT

    Hell yeah my fellow member :7
  2. Fuzed

    Photoshop: Abstract Signature

    First of all, create a Photoshop document of any size, I am using 400x110 pixels. - Fill the background in pure black #000000. Now make sure that your Foreground colour is Black (#000000[/b]) and that your background is White (#FFFFFF). You can do this by simply hitting D on your keyboard...
  3. Fuzed

    Photoshop: Abstract Explosion TuT

  4. Fuzed

    GIMP: Complete Animation TuT

  5. Fuzed

    Photoshop: Abstract Smudge

  6. Fuzed

    Photoshop: Abstract Burst tutorial

  7. Fuzed

    Photoshop: Typography Art Tutorial

    Outcome: Tutorial:
  8. Fuzed

    Photoshop: Distortion Car Sig TuT

  9. Fuzed


    Thank you!Like my sig? :) :7
  10. Fuzed


    Rate /10 :D Yes Pause,I used Squizls :D
  11. Fuzed


    It was the only one.But ill upload it to Squizls :D
  12. Fuzed

    Avatar - :)

    Its beast :) Can you PM your Favorite GFX Artist the script so my cyber friends will feel the feeling of being jelly?Plz
  13. Fuzed


    Rate /10 :)
  14. Fuzed

    Beautiful Mystery

    Thanks Toxique.And @Insane i will work on that and that was made with GIMP.Ive used Photo Shop so much im a GIMP master :7
  15. Fuzed

    Relative Rant Thread

    Yeah that happens to a lot of people sometimes actually so your not the only one.
  16. Fuzed

    Most embarrassing moment in your life?

    Hahahahaa lol.Good times.
  17. Fuzed

    Favorite Smoothie

    I kind of like banana smoothies also.Same with milkshakes.
  18. Fuzed

    Guess The Next Poster

    No.Next is Insane.
  19. Fuzed

    Beautiful Mystery

    Rate /10 :) v1 v2 v3
  20. Fuzed

    Most embarrassing moment in your life?

    Lol did anyone notice or did the Thank The Lord mute it out