• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Fuzed

    Onoz!Teh Nyanz have taken over PTM!

    I think i posted this a while back actually lol
  2. Fuzed

    Onoz!Teh Nyanz have taken over PTM!

    www.nyanit.com/protechmodz.com Make sure your volume is on! Click the Nyans to keep them small and kill them before they take over!
  3. Fuzed

    Fun Game

    Lol on Balcony Terror i play as Santa Claus and on Happy Concert v2.0 im the lawn mower guy so i win easy
  4. Fuzed

    Fun Game

    It makes me feel bad ass to play Wipeout as irresponsible dad and kill Billy (the kid in the back seat)
  5. Fuzed

    Favorite amusement park?

    A lot of us like Cedar Points it sounds like.I pretty much live next door to the one in Ohio
  6. Fuzed

    Favorite Movie

    Napoleon Dynamite is the shit
  7. Fuzed

    Can you read the text on my second GIMP Sig?

    Thank you.All the text is blurry because to me it looks more blended in which is what i go for.
  8. Fuzed

    Sub For Sub

    Ill sub but you dont need to sub me because i dont have any videos up yet.
  9. Fuzed

    Can you read the text on my second GIMP Sig?

    Nope i dont have anything.Also thats the darkest black i can get :D lol But ill get rid of the blur
  10. Fuzed

    Can you read the text on my second GIMP Sig?

    Where should i put the text?In the fire still?Oh wait,ill make it in the bottom of the fire to make it look like its a log!Your a genius Pause! :o[hr] Like this?
  11. Fuzed

    Can you read the text on my second GIMP Sig?

    Lol and ok PTM Stealth hopefully it looks better now[hr] Better?
  12. Fuzed

    Can you read the text on my second GIMP Sig?

    Hmmm should i go with orange or red text for v1
  13. Fuzed

    Can you read the text on my second GIMP Sig?

    Which sig v1 or v2?
  14. Fuzed

    Can you read the text on my second GIMP Sig?

    So i found a battlefield thing with that guy standing there and i decided to edit it.First added some black splotches then i added some fire. Then i put in the text the same color as the fire and blurred it.So i was wondering if anyone else could read the text i put on the signature. v1 v2...
  15. Fuzed

    Favorite Movie

    Jack and Jill is iffy for me.Its kind of boring but also kind of funny.
  16. Fuzed

    Favorite amusement park?

    I'm going to try to check out 6 Flags since it's summer.
  17. Fuzed

    Ill be inactive for a little while

    Oh that sucks =/ Hopefully you get a new charger so you can be active again. :)
  18. Fuzed

    Favorite amusement park?

    Mine would have to be Cedar Point because its the only one I've been to.
  19. Fuzed

    Gonna be gone for a little bit.

    Lol to bad they dont just work by picking berries at a farm or somethin
  20. Fuzed

    Gonna be gone for a little bit.

    Hmm yeah id rather keep the Mexicans they can come in handy actually.