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  1. Hugop

    What are you listening to?

    This one isnt that bad :eek:
  2. Hugop

    Sharon here!

    Hey Sharon, wolcome to ProTechModz :D
  3. Hugop

    What are you listening to?

    I know what you mean, that is the reason why I like this nightcore :p
  4. Hugop

    What are you listening to?

    This one is the only nightcored version that used other effects than speed :p
  5. Hugop

    What are you listening to?

  6. Hugop

    Longest Anime and Manga you have watched and read?

    The londest anime I have watched is Pokemon but havent all of the episodes
  7. Hugop

    Last thing you ate & drank

    Cookies and milk :)
  8. Hugop

    Is there a meaning behind your forum name?

    I used to play a lot of minigames and used "Hugo" as nickname. Some of them were games for 2players and had P1 or P2 on the name(which means "Hugo P1" as name) The first onlinegame I played had the name "Hugo" taken, that is why I chosed "HugoP1" Some of the games dont accept numbers on the...
  9. Hugop

    What is the recent anime you watched?

    Dont worry, some websites tell the exact parts that are censored/cut. Already done :D that saved me lot of hours
  10. Hugop

    What is the recent anime you watched?

    Done! Didnt knew I was watching the censored one. Have to watch the uncensored one when I have free time. My next one is Deadman Wonderland :)
  11. Hugop

    What is the recent anime you watched?

    Mirai Nikki is my next anime! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o94mfqnV56U
  12. Hugop

    What is the recent anime you watched?

    I see. It has +50episodes, watching it in august :)
  13. Hugop

    What are you listening to?

  14. Hugop

    What are you listening to?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrhYhI3L32c just wondering, which is the BB Code to post a video?
  15. Hugop

    What is the recent anime you watched?

    Maybe Sword Art Online is going to be the next anime I am going to watch. What do you think about it?
  16. Hugop

    What is the recent anime you watched?

    I was wrong about Nagi no Asukara, it is not that bad as I though. The first 2episodes were bad with the main character angry all the time for no reason. Right now I am on episode 13 :)
  17. Hugop

    What are you listening to?

  18. Hugop

    Favourite anime villain?

    To be honest, I loved it. The start is good, the end is good but the only problem is that season 2 is missing. No one knows if they are planing to make one but it is sure that they havent started yet.
  19. Hugop

    Last TV Show Watched

    How long has "The Flash" been out? I watch it every thuesday
  20. Hugop

    Favourite anime villain?

    I have never though about this, most of the animes I watch dont have villains. I guess it is Kururi Nikaidou from C3