• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Dabstin

    Winter Update 2015

    Ok so it seems the community didn't like the changes and they ended up reversing the recoil changes on the rifles. They admitted it was unneeded and uncalled for. But I'm so glad they listen to the community and respond so quickly. Awesome dev team. The R8 remains nerfed however (as it...
  2. Dabstin

    Winter Update 2015

    So this update was quite large frankly, they changed a lot of stuff that are hard to notice but greatly impact the game, while they distracted us with the R8 revolver lol. One of the things they changed is the recoil recovery rate of the AK and M4 rifles. It's become so hard to tap shoot as I...
  3. Dabstin

    Ever made your own game?

    I'm actually learning GameMaker right now. I used GM when I was a kid and the best I could do back then was sonic the hedgehog platformer using animated sprites. Even though all I managed to do was make sonic jump around and collect rings while moving across the levels, it felt like my biggest...
  4. Dabstin

    Are there any games you can play over and over and never tire of?

    The first Deus Ex game. The story and gameplay are very dynamic and they're affected by the things you do/don't do when progressing. So even though I played it 10+ times (I lost count after the 10th time tbh, could be my 15th now), I never felt that I'm playing the exact same way whenever I...
  5. Dabstin

    Custom Built PC?

    I built my PC 3 months ago and I regret nothing :) I saved a lot of money (which I invested in games and peripherals instead) and I experienced the satisfaction from booting it for the first time and installing the OS, as well as doing quick benchmarks and tests to make sure everything is in...
  6. Dabstin

    Plague Inc. Evolved -- Let's Infect the World!

    Oh good old plague inc. I was so addicted to it on my android phone a few years back. It was so engaging and intense despite being nothing but a simulation. It makes you feel like God lol. But I never got past the hard difficulty. I unlocked the virus scenario after beating the game with the...
  7. Dabstin

    Payday 2

    Oh bummer. Pay to win ruins games :/ it's such a shame this game has been infected as well, I didn't know that. Welp, I can't reinstall it again anyway. Ever since some update a few months ago, there's some glitch when downloading this game that takes all my available disk space then tells me I...
  8. Dabstin

    Favorite Death Scene

    Since this Is about deaths, spoiler alerts after mentioning the series would be appreciated :P Anyway mine would be from AC 4: Black Flag.
  9. Dabstin

    Payday 2

    I just got into the game recently, and it seems impossible to play with bots, and possible but inconvenient to play with strangers online. So unless I find a group of friends willing to play this game with me, I'll never enjoy this game to its fullest.
  10. Dabstin

    Windows 10?

    I'm already using it for 3 months now. Almost flawless, but like any operating system that has just been released it has it's fair share of inconvenient bugs. I just hope the upcoming big updates fix everything. 7 wasn't flawless at the beginning either.
  11. Dabstin

    Last Game Played?

    Well excluding the games I usually visit, the latest game I've been playing is Tomb Raider 2013. I've been waiting forever for a chance to play this game, I got it in the huge tomb raider sale a few months ago.
  12. Dabstin

    Most Goals you've scored in a game?

    Well I stopped playing FIFA 15 like half a year ago, but the most goals I have scored in a single game was like 20 something lol. I was either playing vs a kid or someone who was just not playing seriously. It was easier than the easiest AI difficulty level.
  13. Dabstin

    Favorite GTA

    It has to be San Andreas, not only because of the singleplayer game itself, but the multiplayer experience using the SAMP mod as well. I have a lot of memories in this game. I've been playing it for 5 years ever since I was 12 and I only stopped 3 years ago. I've yet to complete GTA V, my laptop...
  14. Dabstin

    How much are your Steam Games worth?

    I calculated exactly how much I spent on each game (most of which were on sales or Humble Bundle games) and it was a mere $205... Even though I've been using Steam for 5 years now. Huh. Didn't realize I was such a cheap bastard haha. It always felt hard to see money go out of my paypal, I never...
  15. Dabstin

    Game you can't stop playing

    HuniePop was an amazing game :P It really was addicting and I couldn't stop playing it for two days straight, I even neglected my sleep. But after 20 hours I felt it was pointless to continue, especially since the dialogues with the characters keep getting repeated over and over again. Their...
  16. Dabstin

    Have you stopped playing any games because of its community?

    About 3 years ago I used to play SA-MP, but the more competitive it got, the less fun I had. Our clan was formed by a group of friends trying to have fun without taking the game seriously, we ended up falling victims for that cancer in the end though. It ruined it for me. Instead of coming back...
  17. Dabstin

    Do you own a knife skin?

    It is ridiculous indeed. But as long as it's expensive, it gives people motive to open more cases to see if they get lucky. I've seen people spend thousands, literally thousands of dollars on cases and keys. I never bought a weapon skin let alone a knife one. I'm just not that rich. I didn't...
  18. Dabstin

    So tired of cheaters

    We all are. Some of them are so good at hiding it you just don't know whether it was their skill or hacks. Also yes it's harder to even detect them when they're at the very highest ranks. Some people genuinely have a ton of experience and skill of that level, but then the cheaters can appear the...
  19. Dabstin

    Best BF?

    Well, battlefield 3 was the first one in the series I played. I tried going back to the older games but you just can't go back once you're used to the improved graphics and game mechanics. BF4 was a disappointment though, I really wish that game didn't exist and they just kept improving Bf3 the...
  20. Dabstin

    What releases are you looking forward to?

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. It's the only game that I'm interested in next year. Doesn't seem to be a lot else that piques my interest. I wish Cyberpunk 2077 was coming next year, but I'm afraid it's still two years before we even hear news about it, according to the developer. It might be the...