• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Strelitzia

    Will PC Gaming Overtake Consoles

    Honestly this is the age of PC gaming if you take into account of smartphones as well. In the 90's when computers weren't as cheap and as prevalent in households, consoles ruled because they were cheaper than getting a PC. Now in 2017 where a half decent computer can be purchased for about $400...
  2. Strelitzia

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Social media does have a lot of pull with people who follow certain gaming personalities but to be frank they're just a small drop in the overall sea of what would make or break the success of a game per say. Take movie reviews for example. Sure there's lots of well known critics who do nothing...
  3. Strelitzia

    What type of game Should we suggest to our parents?

    Depends on the parent/grandparent. My dad for example is nearing 60 or so and he was in the height of the silicon valley revolution so he was really into computers and gaming back in the early 80's and whatnot. For him playing games on consoles isn't an issue whatsoever, just a matter of what he...
  4. Strelitzia

    What games are you playing?

    Yup in the Stardew bandwagon too. Got Grim Dawn I've been chipping away at as well. Weave D3 into the mix because I have friends who play now and then. I would be playing other stuff but time's of the essence to me so anything that's 30 minutes or less play time is all I can afford to play.
  5. Strelitzia

    Do you wait for discounts?

    Discounts is the only way in my books. Work has me hopping around too much so to drop full price on something I won't touch for months or years depending because of my whacked scheduling- it's just a waste of money. The only exceptions is if it's something I really really want to collect and...
  6. Strelitzia

    How many games do you play?

    I'm cycling through 2 or 3 games depending on my mood. Generally I'll have bouts of MMO-itis where I need to get on for a month and play WoW with guildies for stupidly short dungeon runs. Most of the time right now I'm just playing low key non time intensive games since I'm constantly on call...
  7. Strelitzia

    Steam Summer Sale: 2017

    Nothing wrong with not wanting to spend time searching. I get that most people would rather not have to wait or do homework for past low prices, ect. For me it's just a personal thing of finances and whatnot. I only have so much on hand to blow through and cost vs use plays a huge part in final...
  8. Strelitzia

    Do you transmog?

    I know right? I don't see why we can't cross mog with other gear as long as it's within parameters. Plate would have the most variety of course and the system is there to allow it at the very base of its form since back in vanilla cloth was better than plate for paladin healers for example...
  9. Strelitzia

    Worst console you have owned

    Wii's a gimmick but at least it worked. I avoid Xbox like the bloody plague. Had way too many frustrating run ins with the 360's BS red rings of death on 6 different consoles. (Return after return hell.) My brother wanted it and had to have it and I got stuck with dealing with customer support...
  10. Strelitzia

    Is World of Warcraft addictive?

    Well there's geography to take into account too. There was a study not too long ago about about people's gaming habits across the nation, the coasts and states with things to do and tolerable weather cycles typically tended to play more non time consuming/casual games. Coasts had far less people...
  11. Strelitzia

    Steam Summer Sale: 2017

    I don't have a huge wishlist but the issue is that I've seen these games go on sale for a lot lower than what was asked in this sale so I'm gonna sit back and wait. I'm in no hurry to get more games for my poor library that's rarely touched these days haha. Barely can get 30 minutes of time to...
  12. Strelitzia

    Do you like playing your game with your siblings?

    Honestly I never liked playing with my younger brother. He may have played more games in bulk than I have just because he had way more free time than I ever did, but he's a huge sore loser. Any PvP game always had him in fits of rage because I always did better than he did. I stopped playing...
  13. Strelitzia

    Do You Use Cheat When Playing Game?

    Initial play through of any game I don't bother cause it's fun learning stuff on my own and getting as far as I can on my own abilities. Second play through I'll do it for fun (single player). MMOs? Nah never had the desire to cheat whatsoever except to save time on leveling my millionth toon...
  14. Strelitzia

    Do you transmog?

    You can hide shoulders, helm, belt and cloaks now. Thank god. I think the only helms that look part decent are generally cloth stuff cause caps and cool circlets/tiaras now and then. The druid shoulders are the best in the game and are tolerable with the feathers and such. The belts were...
  15. Strelitzia

    Is World of Warcraft addictive?

    Actually WoW's community is tame compared to many MOBAs and FPS communities out there. In terms of overall it's middle of the pack with toxic players and attitude. It's gotten much better over the years since most of the playerbase has aged with the franchise. PvP is PvP it'll always attract a...
  16. Strelitzia

    What's Your Favorite Mount?

    Wrath had the Proto Drakes, Frostbrood Drake and Invincible as the endgame mounts. Edit: I forgot about Mimiron's head.
  17. Strelitzia

    Favorite Game?

    I played GW2 on launch and have a metric crap ton of hours clocked on it. However it has a lot of glaring flaws and it's apparent that the team at launch is not the same team that's currently running the game. The expansion is a let down. PvP's a mess...I used to be a huge advocate (Bought the...
  18. Strelitzia

    If you could live in any game...

    Hey it's the sugar tax didn't you know? Lmao. Well at least it discourages diabetes? Realistically though, the PokeDollar is like Yen. It'd be like $3.50 USD. Pokeballs would average like 10.00 USD. As weird as this may sound the criminal organizations are kinda like jokes. The stealing part is...
  19. Strelitzia

    Chatting while playing?

    Oh god yes all the time hence my comment about XBOX Live, FPS games and MOBAs. MMOs not as much thankfully. Still got them now and then cause they're always gonna be there regardless haha. I've been on hardcore progression raid guilds in WoW back in the day and heard tons of disparaging remarks...
  20. Strelitzia

    Free games vs Paid games?

    Paid games typically have more content and development behind them. It takes money to develop a game and so it'll cost money to recoup that cost and gives companies and developers more incentive to put forth something that people will buy. Free to play isn't on the same scale. Most of the games...