• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Strelitzia

    Chatting while playing?

    Thankfully I never really had that issue mostly because I was really picky about joining certain guilds. Even as a female player all those years ago when the stigma was at their highest point I lucked out in landing with fairly mature players. I stayed the hell away from FPS games with online...
  2. Strelitzia

    Favorite music from which game?

    If it's got Yasunori Mitsuda I'm all over that like flies to honey. Despite the fact that he likes keeping things simple and has a more celtic vibe to a majority of his music, the man has freaking amazing talent for complex compositions as well. He is way too underappreciated by the VGM...
  3. Strelitzia

    Do you like sharing your games?

    I enjoy sharing reviews and my opinions on them. Physical copies? Hell no. Unless you prove to me that you're a freak about preservation and taking really good care of my games or books then I won't ever lend them out. Learned a few nasty lessons when I was younger. Loaned a 1st edition Harry...
  4. Strelitzia

    If you could live in any game...

    Pokemon sounds super chill to be honest haha. As much as I love RPGs and stuff most of the stories often involve war, destruction or end of the world scenarios. Like I wouldn't wanna be some poor schmuck caught up in all that mess. Although fantasy MMO situations wouldn't be that far out...
  5. Strelitzia

    What I hate about pc gaming

    I'm actually at the point where I have do a completely new build. This PC I'm currently on is gonna be turned into a server and I'm gonna purchase a completely new rig from the ground up. At the time I had this built, it was in the lower tier of the high grade parts meaning that it would last me...
  6. Strelitzia

    How much money?

    Lmao I spent a metric crud ton of money on consoles and accessories- but that was way back when I had a collection actually going. These days I'm strictly PC gaming than console. I just can't justify paying for the premiums for the console stuff and the constant turnover that goes with them...
  7. Strelitzia

    Chatting while playing?

    MMOs require constant communication to develop strategies and socialize so you kinda learn fast to learn how to multitask haha. I've gotten pretty good to the point where I can just type super fast and still play the game at the same time since my mic's currently in storage lost in the black...
  8. Strelitzia

    Do you transmog?

    I think they should have kept them in. Variety is the spice of life and all...and let's be real some people just wanna be running around in bikini armor, cause fantasy and all that jazz. Others want realistic and that's great too. I swing all over the place depending on mood which makes mogging...
  9. Strelitzia

    Where do you buy your games most?

    Haha yeah most definitely it did start off passionately but the whole collecting part got addictive. Plus with my jobs putting me right in line of fire of really good stuff all the time back then didn't help either. It just happened. However unlike most people if I ever get back to where I was...
  10. Strelitzia

    Where do you buy your games most?

    Lol space is always an issue haha. Floor to ceiling shelving installed everywhere and still didn't have enough space to hold everything. It took 5 months to completely offload. Thanks for the encouragement. Money is money so even if I'm roving around I'm not at all that upset, save when working...
  11. Strelitzia

    Do you transmog?

    Online barbie go go! Seriously though it's a feature took long enough to happen *end of Cata* because the game has tons of cool looking gear and it's a shame to not be able to enjoy them. I know tons of people don't like mogging since it takes away from the accomplishment of gaining the highest...
  12. Strelitzia

    Where do you buy your games most?

    Yeah losing stuff while moving is always a pain. You'd be surprised what people also steal during that time too. Someone stole a pair of high end Red Wing steel toe boots I had and religiously took great care of all the time and a few other items as well that I had account for prior to getting...
  13. Strelitzia

    State your Favorite new Pc game (of 2015-17)

    Ahaha Stardew Valley. Gawd...yeah I've been playing that since it's stupidly casual and good to wind down from work to. I just don't have the time to get immersed with more mind intensive games sadly. I love RPGs and have a ton burning a hole in my account but haven't had much sit down for more...
  14. Strelitzia

    How many games do you own?

    Quite frankly not that much anymore. My Steam account is quite small. However once upon a time I had a physical library of video games that took up entire shelves and walls. I was really into gaming in the 90's-early 00's and got tons as gifts and whatnot from everybody. Had a huge collection of...
  15. Strelitzia

    Favourite Game Genre

    Hands down RPG. I love getting immersed into universes, knowing the stories and bonding with characters. It's a visual book/movie that I can play! (You can't beat that) However I do enjoy mindlessly grindy games or sandboxy stuff on the side too because there's days I just wanna let my brain...
  16. Strelitzia

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    Honestly it was like magic. Yeah everything was so primitive but it was lots of fun especially with my dad. He was a complete nerd- to the point where he landed a gig with IBM during their reigning years prior to Microsoft's uprising. Even playing PC games with those giant floppies and the later...
  17. Strelitzia

    Where do you buy your games most?

    I just mostly purchase off of Steam or Battle.net these days. (Since they have what I like to play most of the time.) Can't be bothered for physical copies of anything anymore since I move way too much to justify hauling around a gigantic library. I made that mistake 10 years ago when I had to...
  18. Strelitzia

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    Officially it was the NES. The Atari was my dad's but he got me an NES when it came out partly for him to play and for me to play as well. He also had a few PCs back then too since he was a total computer nut. It was the 80's, so video games and computers were all the craze to tinker with and...
  19. Strelitzia

    What's Your Favorite Mount?

    I have to admit that it's the Stone Drakes from Cata. I almost have all of them because they're so awesome to look at. I've always liked inorganic and organic blends when it comes to creature designs. My second favorite would be the fire hawk mounts, they're much better phoenixes than the Ashes...
  20. Strelitzia

    Should I buy Diablo 3?

    There's no true offline mode but it's a minor detail if you don't mind that kind of thing. It's not a super engrossing game but it does have some decent replay value and is as casual or hardmode as you want it to be. I've had the game since it was released and let me tell you that it's changed a...