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Search results

  1. gamergal

    The Oldest Pc Game You've Ever Played?

    Mine would be Dave. Almost all of my friends started their game life with this game. It was classic at that time. We would sneak into the computer lab and play there for sometime and leave. We were never caught as we used to switch among our gameplays. A day a guy and 10 mins. That was the rule.
  2. gamergal

    What moment ruined a perfectly good game?

    Yeah, happened to me once. I was playing counter strike. Was on a mission to kill the enemies, suddenly my cat jumps in from nowhere and then... BAM... My Guy's DEAD. I can even make a haiku outta this. Playing counter strike, My cat Yolo jumps in - A dead soldier.
  3. gamergal

    A hundred and still going!?

    Yeah, shotgun sure is slow but powerful when it comes to blow the heads off in one shot. Even the sound of it is very explosive. I use it to kill on a shot range, hard to kill enemies that wouldn't die on a single blow of other guns. Yeah, 'old' guns are classic. You just rely on your own aim...
  4. gamergal

    What would your dream controller be like?

    I guess we can't help it, but hope that maybe one day they'll understand the needs of their true customers, and so they'll consider doing a uniform design on their controllers, at least when it comes to the whole layout of the buttons. And they may consider removing some extra buttons. That's a...
  5. gamergal

    Favorite Game?

    Yeah, that's true. People prefer action and gun-slinging more than survival. So as you just said also, to survive in the market and reach more sales they may switch to it eventually. That's what happens when there's a rift between hardcore-pro gamers and casual ones. The developers will be...
  6. gamergal

    What would your dream controller be like?

    Yeah, I agree with you, fella. If there's one universal controller with universal compatibility, design, and battery or other power source, then it'll save a lot of time of us gamers who spend time getting accustomed to a new module every time when a new controller is launched. It would be like...
  7. gamergal

    A hundred and still going!?

    Yeah, I have them on my top ten list too. They're awesome. AK47U is infact very deadly. Boy, you gotta love seeing it lay bodies in front of you. (*_*) Thanks for your comments.
  8. gamergal

    What would your dream controller be like?

    Yeah, that's awesome. Particularly that universal compatibility thing. Buy one and play with it on any console or any platform. That's cool. (*_*) Thanks for commenting bud! I appreciate it.
  9. gamergal

    A hundred and still going!?

    Yeah, you must be thinking what's this all about. o_O Well, it's about guns, :emoji_gun: so be like - yeah...booyah... I Like Guns, Baby, and what not.:wacky: So when you play any game (not necessarily just shooting games) what kind of guns do you like? My personal favorites are a desert...
  10. gamergal

    Favorite Game?

    Yeah, I agree survival is all about living with what you have. The infinite ammo, the rocket launcher were really a mess in the previous instalment. The 7 has every reason to be cherished. I hope the next instalment turn out even better than 7.
  11. gamergal

    Yeah, I'm here, so...

    Yeah, I'm here, so...
  12. gamergal

    Do you dream about your game?

    Yes, that's the way, bud. Have fun living with what you love to do. Enjoy every day of your life as it were your last, (you don't know what'll happen tomorrow, right? And you shouldn't worry either for we can never predict future!) And live every happen moment with your folks and cherish them...
  13. gamergal

    Do you like to play strategy games?

    It's my most favorite game also. I like it just for the sake of its horror elements. Man, they take you all. You are a scaredy cat after all when you're playing it. It's a complete different makeup from the previous instalment which was all about collecting ammo and what not. This is classic...
  14. gamergal

    What would your dream controller be like?

    That's cool. The way you described it all. That'll surely turn out to be a good controller. And about the batteries lasting forever, I don't think that'll be possible, however. But okay, there's no loss in believing, does it? Even if it's not possible, something closer to that may be a...
  15. gamergal

    What would your dream controller be like?

    Yeah, tell me about the controller of your dreams. What do you think would be its specifications? Both hardware and software? Which types of extra buttons would you like to have on it? Trackball or no trackball? Remove a few "useless" buttons or not? (Useless in the sense that you think that...
  16. gamergal

    What are some good games you can play over and over again?

    I can play Harry Potter series over and over again. Not for the stories, but for the mini games, such as wizard tournaments, quidditch matches, and all. Those are the fun elements I'm accustomed to. Also many other games have mini-games and side games, which are so fun to play. I guess, the...
  17. gamergal

    Moments in games where you just want to smash the controller

    Well, there have been quite a few loose moments though, when I felt like leaving it all, but then the gamer instinct in me kicks in and the alter ego of a gamer I adored possesses me. I feel I can do it all over again. It doesn't matter if my game character is slaughtered by a Gonzalo, or if...
  18. gamergal

    What has the best game of 2017 been so far?

    I agree with Thart, Resident evil with it's seventh instalment Biohazard has given us hope that we'll see better games this year as well. And now now, did Thart mentioned that Super Mario Odyssey would take the cake with quite a few many good laughters! Well, I guess it will share it's cake with...
  19. gamergal

    How long has it been?

    Well, for me it's been around a month or so, I guess. I don't play on my old console actually, now that I have a PS4. I play on it everyday for about an hour or two, and sometimes in cases of serious gaming I go for longer sessions, like 4 to 6. I don't keep a track, though. Playing on a...
  20. gamergal

    Have you played B.O.A.R?

    Many years old, actually. And yes that's why I said it wasn't something extraordinary, just below average, is what it is. It's for cranking out the occasional course of mainstream gaming. Nothing as special in it though. Just wanted to see if someone knew about this. I guess not many know about...