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Search results

  1. gamergal

    First game you bought?

    Yeah, true, my friend. It was indeed a great time for us beginners. We have had some nice time around some basic gaming. Even then those days are so memorable. I remember having played a very many games on my first console after spending a month or two with it. I played legend of kage, ninja...
  2. gamergal

    Favorite Game?

    I agree with you on this. If we look at the releases of 6th and 7th instalments, then we'll see that there was almost a gap of five years. I know it's too long a wait. But it's so good as a game that I think it's worth a wait. I don't mind waiting at all, if they throw some smaller games for us...
  3. gamergal

    Do you like to play strategy games?

    Yeah, me too. I often find myself drawn to more adventure and mystery type games than other mainstream games. I like horror too, that's why I tend to like Resident Evil and Project S.C.A.R.E, and if that's one of the elements of the adventure or mystery games, then that's cream on the cake for...
  4. gamergal

    Do you dream about your game?

    But you don't have to feel guilt. It is when you feel guilty and start cursing yourselves that everything becomes a very big mess. I would never do such a thing and I would advise you to not to do that, no matter what. If we feel inferiority complex even for once, if we feel that we can't help...
  5. gamergal

    While gaming on your PC, do you prefer your Computer Keyboard or using a Usb Game Pad

    I agree with you on that, bud. That's really the benefit of playing with both. Each of them got their own benefits and perks. It's always nice to switch between them from time to time.:sunglasses:
  6. gamergal

    Do you dream about your game?

    It's okay, dude. Really! You don't have to worry about it. You are not obsessing. You're just having a nice little journey. It's important to maintain a balance between the virtual and the real world, which you also said, that you liked to do. Keep a tab on your activities and relax for a while...
  7. gamergal

    Last Game Played?

    I agree dude, resident evil is irreplaceable.:androidthumbsup: Even the new instalment Biohazard would be replaced by the next newer one that's sure to come by. Fingers crossed.
  8. gamergal


    Actually, there's not one, but many games that I will never forget. First, because of nostalgia. Second, because of storyline (in most games). Third, the gameplay. And fourth, the game itself. That's way more important than anything, isn't it? So here I go. The first one would be of course...
  9. gamergal

    Do you have to complete a game 100%?

    I like to complete the storyline first. That's more important to me (or to any gamer, for that matter), the story of the game itself. We always look for, 'What will unfold next?' That was how games like POP, Resident Evil, and all were build, to look forward to see what would happend next, where...
  10. gamergal

    Have you played B.O.A.R?

    Has anyone played B.O.A.R, that's short for Bullets of a Revolver? I played it a very long time ago on my PC. I don't usually play these kinds of games. But to cut the usual routine of mainstream gaming, I sometimes did play these short PC games. This was not my first PC game, however. Nor it...
  11. gamergal

    How many hours do you play in a row?

    How many hours!? Let's see. Well, it depends on which kind of games I'm playing. Some are so enticing, the storyline in particular, that you feel that mere 2-3 hours won't be enough, so you'd want to spend some more time with the game. Also when you're playing any game for the first time, it is...
  12. gamergal

    PC Mini Games

    I have played some before, but I don't play now because I have a proper console. I liked adventure games so I used to play it on the PC. Also jewels, and some mystery games that were around those times when I was pretty much overwhelmed with playing mainstream games. So in order to cut the usual...
  13. gamergal

    Need For Speed Or Drive nee

    The game which I like better would be Need for Speed, although I have a PS4 and I have played both games on it. The simple reason: Drive club is better in terms of gameplay and graphics. But when it comes to love, we all do remember our first love. That's the exact same case with NFS. Everyone...
  14. gamergal

    First game you bought?

    Okay, the first game that I bought with my own money, (and I was really happy about that that I could do so on my own), was "Three Eyed Boys" of the 64-bit videogame format. So basically it was a chip (as we call it here). The first CD that I bought for PC was GTA Director's cut. You know how...
  15. gamergal

    RAGE or RAGE QUIT: Have you done this?

    Yeah, there maybe moments when a gamer might feel rage when trying to complete through a game scenario, but some petty issue messes up with everything and they have to go back to what they were doing. Like in Project IGI, an effing soldier, usually a Spetnaz pops up from behind a door that you...
  16. gamergal

    PC vs Console

    I love my console a PS4 more than anything. It's one of my prized possessions. So, I'll say console. It gets pretty expensive though, at times, but I think it's really worth it. I save a lot for buying console games. And I simply love it when I could do so.
  17. gamergal

    Do you like to play strategy games?

    I like strategic games, mostly with lots of puzzles and different mysteries that are left to be solved. And you also have to incorporate everything, and successfully execute your plans. That's what to be liked about it. It depends on your improvisation, your tactics, and your game plan. It's...
  18. gamergal

    How much trouble have you been through with gaming?

    I was suspended from school for a few days for playing on my newly bought PSP. I was playing Impact on it. Man, it was the mathematics teacher, and you know how scary they could be. I was immediately taken to the principal, who punished me with a five days suspension. Nevertheless, I liked it. I...
  19. gamergal

    Arcade games

    I like Mortal Kombat and TMNT. They are both good arcade games. I have played them a lot during my childhood. I still remember that there was a videogame parlour where we used to play these. I used to compete with my friends. That's when I was given the title gamergirl by my friends.
  20. gamergal

    Free games vs Paid games?

    There's no denying that games and game developers may come from anywhere. Even it applies to free and paid games. They can come from anywhere. And it simply depends on our perspectives if we prefer the paid ones better than the free ones. Some may say that paid ones are better, there's no...