• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. ShadowWolf

    ↓ no

    ↓ no
  2. ShadowWolf

    Yes or No Game

    Simple the person above u will ask a question and you will have to answer it in only YES or NO then you ask a question and so on! I'll start Will we ever get 1942RP back?
  3. ShadowWolf

    I-Spy Game!!!

    I also spy the color white
  4. ShadowWolf

    Ban the person above you

    Banned for being a Toast and a Man
  5. ShadowWolf

    Ban the person above you

    Banned for being a Supervisor
  6. ShadowWolf

    Ban the person above you

    Life Time Banned for roasting me
  7. ShadowWolf

    Make a sentence from 5 letters game.

    A Big Ugly Slutty Eagle B I T C H
  8. ShadowWolf

    Ban the person above you

    banned for being a phatom
  9. ShadowWolf


    Who the fook is this guy?
  10. ShadowWolf


    Hi how are ya?
  11. ShadowWolf

    Suggestion Minecraft Factions

    Nah maan I prefer RoBlox
  12. ShadowWolf

    Check dis out

    Ohh yeah man nothing will be able to hit you
  13. ShadowWolf

    Ban the person above you

    Banned for having every word end with erino
  14. ShadowWolf

    Ban the person above you

    Banned for playing FO
  15. ShadowWolf

    Check dis out

    Hey maan I made this pretty bad ass dupe http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=703341265 check it out if yeah want ;)
  16. ShadowWolf


    +1 If this is for 1942RP :D
  17. ShadowWolf

    Jam Jelly 1ntr0duct10n

    Who the fook is this guy?
  18. ShadowWolf

    I-Spy Game!!!

    I spy grass
  19. ShadowWolf

    I-Spy Game!!!

    Game is pretty simple A photo is posted and the next person posts their own picture of something that they see in the previous photo. Of course follow up with "I spy ... (whatever it is you want to refer to)" It could be an object in the photo you see, a color, a flower, animal, food, etc...
  20. ShadowWolf

    Hi how are ya?

    Hello I am ShadowWolf I am new to this community I don't know anyone in this community but I hope i get to know everyone soon :D