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Search results

  1. Denis_P

    Do you still use PC for playing games?

    Well, while I definitely cannot deny that consoles are undoubtedly getting better with every generation, they still aren't convincing enough for me to make the switch over from PC gaming. At the moment my PC is the only thing I use to play games. However, the amount of exclusive games being...
  2. Denis_P

    How many hours?

    It ultimately depends on my schedule at the time. If I have lots of work and responsibilities to attend to, I typically try to make room for at least two to three hours of gaming every day, given that it's my favorite hobby. On the other hand, if I have a day off I can easily go anywhere between...
  3. Denis_P

    How many games do you play?

    Out of a library of 156 games on my Steam account, I generally only play about three games for any given period. This is because I'm not always in the mood for the same type of game, so I typically make room for about three different genres of games to keep things interesting. They're typically...
  4. Denis_P

    Favorite music from which game?

    I really like the main theme from the Metal Gear Solid series, and Hideo Kojima has always been a genius at choosing the soundtracks for each game. However, if I were to pick my all time favorite, it would have to be the soundtrack from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It is a masterpiece, in my...
  5. Denis_P

    Changes in gaming

    I don't really know how I feel to be quite honest. Call me old school but I'm actually not all that content with the current state of games. It's like with every release the graphics become prettier but there is something still missing. These days whenever I play a new game I think to myself...
  6. Denis_P

    Your thoughts on God of War 4 - PS4?

    I've been a fan of the God of War series since the very first one, and I've played every installment since then. I absolutely love the new setting and the addition of Norse mythology. However, I can't say I'm a fan of having Kratos acting as a father figure and especially not a fan of having the...
  7. Denis_P

    The NES best retro console ever?

    I'm not sure to be quite honest. Many would definitely say it is but I don't have as strong of an opinion, because I never got to play it as a kid. It may be a matter of personal opinion, but in terms of retro gaming I feel that the SNES was the real revolution. From the perspective of someone...
  8. Denis_P

    My first Gameboy moment

    I remember when the Game Boy Color came out, it was such an amazing piece of technology to my six year old mind and I would've done anything to have one, especially with the release of Pokémon Gold and Silver. However, my dad on the other hand wouldn't even consider getting me one because he...
  9. Denis_P

    First game you bought?

    I don't own a PlayStation 4, but the first game that I played on my PS3 was actually MotorStorm as it came bundled with the PS3 at the time. I think that the first game I actually bought was the first Assassin's Creed. Boy was that one heck of a disappointment, considering at the time it still...
  10. Denis_P

    Good Adventure PC game

    Darn, "no blood." I was going to recommend The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, as that game can be super relaxing if you're just exploring around the forests and listening to music, but there is obviously a lot of combat. I mean I think it's possible to play somewhat passively but it's not exactly...
  11. Denis_P

    Custom Built PC?

    I used to have a custom built computer before I had to switch over to a gaming laptop, for reasons. In any case, I consider building that rig to be one of my greatest accomplishments. Sure it wasn't anything all too complicated, but it felt pretty great to be playing on something I put together...
  12. Denis_P

    Most Disappointing Video Game Ending You have played? (spoilers, obviously)

    Words cannot describe how infuriating the ending for MGSV felt for me. As a long time fan I experienced so many emotions I didn't want or expect to have, from confusion to anger, sadness and disappointment. Some people want to chalk it up to it being Hideo Kojima's intention for you to feel that...
  13. Denis_P

    Sports Games

    The last sports game that I played was probably the tennis mini-game in Grand Theft Auto V. By that statement alone you can probably tell that I'm not much of a fan of sports. However, recently I have been contemplating getting into the genre. When I first got my PlayStation 2 as a kid, one of...
  14. Denis_P

    Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer was leaked

    I...have my reservations for now. And no, by that I don't mean that I reserved the game, no chance that is happening after the debacle with the first Battlefront. Sure the recent footage from E3 looks promising but you know how the old saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...
  15. Denis_P

    Favorite Childhood Game?

    I can actually relate to that since my favorite childhood game is Super Mario World and I started playing that around five or six years old. It has remained my favorite game of all time since then. I still get a smile on my face any time I fire it up and hear that intro music at the opening...
  16. Denis_P

    How often do you buy new games?

    Not often at all really. Well actually, a more accurate statement would just about as often as there is a Steam sale! If I'm being completely honest, I'm a very cynical person when it comes to my views of video game quality these days. Maybe it's just me but I feel like it used to be that we'd...
  17. Denis_P

    Name the game you've replayed years and years..

    Out of all the games I've replayed over the years, the one with the highest tally count for replays has to be Mega Man X. I don't know what it is about that game but I just never get tired of it. It has the perfect level of difficulty, and the gameplay is incredibly fun, and it's so rewarding to...
  18. Denis_P

    What's a game you'd like to see remade?

    I'd really like to see a modern remake of the original Metal Gear games, both Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. I'm a huge fan of the Metal Gear Solid series, and while the original Metal Gear games were quite good for the era, it would be nice to see a modern take which remakes their...
  19. Denis_P

    CHIP $9 PC

    As others have said, while it has pretty limited potential for modern gaming it would be pretty great for creating an all-in-one retro gaming console. I assume that it would be able to emulate NES, SNES and other 16-bit era games pretty much perfectly, and probably has suffice power to emulate...
  20. Denis_P

    Invent your dream PC game.

    My dream game would probably be an open world, action RPG which takes place in the Lord of the Rings universe. No, I'm not talking about Shadow of Mordor. This game would span the entirety of Middle-Earth, including everything from The Shire to Mordor and everything in between. You could choose...