• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. pauldox3

    Favorite Game?

    My all time favorite would be skyrim bruh! Nothing says "yeah this game is awesome" than playing as a humanoid cat who has dragon powers! I always wanted to be a cat so playing as khajit is a dream come true to me. Plus i love stealth games so yeah i love that mission where you have to...
  2. pauldox3

    What was the craziest thing you ever saw or did.

    I was playing against a spirit breaker once and he ulted me exactly when i was about to tp into the fountain. He followed me into the fountain and he died lol. I also played this one game again Blood seeker, vengeful spirit, and ember spirit. Blood seeker would rupture then VS would swap and...
  3. pauldox3

    Who is the most under rated hero?

    Whos the most under rated hero in your own opinion? In my own opinion, it's Keeper of the light. He has tons of utility under his belt, top Tier base movement speed, awesome jungling, nice wave clear, blind, fast disengage ability, situational sustain, you name it Keeper of the light has it all...
  4. pauldox3

    What heroes do you enjoy playing the most?

    HEY!!! YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THE KING??!?!!! haha Just kidding. Yeah the king isnt as strong as he used to be. He took a couple of nerfs but i believe he's still pretty much viable. Tree dance was buffed tho which is the first skill i master whenver i play MK so i guess it's allright. I'm also...
  5. pauldox3

    What heroes do you enjoy playing the most?

    yeah i a yeah i agree, MK really needs a support who could save his behind from lock downs. MK mid is decent but i'll have to say that he is a side lane carry IMO. Yeah i've also seen pros play MK and the way they played MK is interesting. I saw a vid where miracle played MK and absolutely...
  6. pauldox3

    How quickly do you go through headsets?

    yeah i'll prolly never buy cheap headphones again, I'll save alot of time and money by buying the best headphones around (within the reasonable price range ofcourse). Not only will it last longer, the audio quality is also dramatically better compared to cheap headphones. I've also realised...
  7. pauldox3

    Best tracks to listen to while playing dota 2?

    What your favorite eurobeat track bro? Mine is gas gas gas. I love playing fast heroes while listening to gas gas gas. Mikado is also good when playing carries cause mikado sounds like a japanese anime protagonist and playing carries while mikado is playing makes me feel like i'm a japanese...
  8. pauldox3

    Next URF.

    I dont think riot has hinted when urf would be yet. I wish that they make urf permanent cause it's the best game mode ever. I loved playing shaco on urf i think he's the most fun champion to play on urf but the strongest IMO is still hecarim. Horse chopper is too strong for everyone lol.
  9. pauldox3

    How quickly do you go through headsets?

    My current and first gaming headset is steel series arctis 7. It's legit the best headset ive ever had. Ive had it for about 3 months now i think and it's still in mint condition. I used to buy cheap and almost disposable headphones but i got tired of it because of how inconvient it is to go and...
  10. pauldox3

    RAGE or RAGE QUIT: Have you done this?

    I usually just rage quit if my ping becomes unbearable and the game becomes unplayable. I never rage quitted because i got trashed or whatever although i might just fool around but i'll never sell out. Raging on the other hand is something that i regularly feel but i never express my rage in...
  11. pauldox3

    How do you react with random team mates that are lag and feeders?

    I usually just try to not let it bother me. If the guy/girl is lagging then im perfectly fine with it cause they didnt want any of what's happening to them. If my team mate is feeding unintentionaly, i usually try my best to help the guy recover by either morivating them or actually helping them...
  12. pauldox3

    What do you do when you have a flamer on your team?

    I mostly just mute toxic players cause it's more convinient on my side. Although there have been times where I rebutted but it only leads to more flaming and toxicity so i try to avoid responding most of the time. If it's an enemy then i really answer back cause i feel like it adds to the fun...
  13. pauldox3

    Hearthstone p2w yes or no?

    It's not entirely pay to win but it is in a certain degree. Legendary cards are generally insanely strong which makes it super unfair if you would pit a guy who spends alot of money vs a guy who abuses free to play. Although a free to player could get on the same level as those players who...
  14. pauldox3

    While gaming on your PC, do you prefer your Computer Keyboard or using a Usb Game Pad

    Really depends on the game. Fighting games are really good to be played with gamepads. First person shooters however should be exclusively played using a mouse and keyboard. MMO's could be played with either depending on what you're more comfortable with. MOBAs should also be exclusively played...
  15. pauldox3

    Movies into Games

    I think turning games into movies is rarely a good idea cause most games are tailored for their respective gameplay. Although this is not entirely true, some games have awesome plots with minimal plot holes such as the last of us. Also turning games into movies takes away the element of...
  16. pauldox3

    Do you have an idea for a Dota 2 hero ?

    I've always thought that it would be awesome if valve made a exp boosting support. A hero who's core function is help carries snowball with minimal teamfight or skirmish functions. I've thought about it and a hero like this would open up new possible viable team compositions and hero metas. So...
  17. pauldox3

    What's your favorite item?

    Prolly haunting guise. It's a cheap item if you want to have that early game powerspikw for mages that has a very strong base damage. Although hunting guise is not as effective for mages that scales super well with ability power, it's still pretty much viable especially if you're ahead and you...
  18. pauldox3

    Why do you actually enjoy gaming?

    Because it gives me an escape to real life and the problems that comes with it. Also because it's my primary way of bonding with my friends and my siblings since im very socially akward. Also I like how gaming keeps my mind occupied because an idle mind is worse than actual physical suffering
  19. pauldox3

    How to overcome gaming addiction?

    Get a job i guess hahaha idk. I used to be very much addicted. I'd play like 10-14 hours a day. I stopped playing that much when i applied for a job. I guess my gaming addiction came from being to idle or something.
  20. pauldox3

    Do you like playing your game with your siblings?

    Yeah haha. My brother works abroad so gaming is our only way of bonding really. Although sometimes he gets too worked when we have bad teammates but i think he's still legit having fun. It wasnt always like this tho, when we were little he'll punch me in the head when we're playing coop games...