• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Naiwen

    Do you use the 3D

    So you meant twasn't quite so fine & dandy at all?
  2. Naiwen

    Do you use the 3D

    It twasn't worth it all that much to play!
  3. Naiwen

    YouTube Background template.psd download

    I don't really mind it or it doth not matter to me at all!
  4. Naiwen

    Did you use a emulator?

    Some "Wow... Age of Empires or etc; etc...!" mostly some action ones indeed!
  5. Naiwen

    Did you use a emulator?

    Per sure or fine I do in fact!
  6. Naiwen

    What image host do you use?

    Oh per sure; thanks for it!
  7. Naiwen

    Yes or No

    For me; nay Msieur; it doth not at all!
  8. Naiwen

    Yes or No

    Well; well; that's not really "Mine real identity" so per speak; it doth not count no?
  9. Naiwen

    What image host do you use?

    Truly or sincerely; an "http://www.hostingpics.net/envoi.html"'s fan or fine enough please!
  10. Naiwen

    What image host do you use?

    Yes or I do as well, Sir!
  11. Naiwen

    What image host do you use?

    Ah... God bless ye heart's for it; Kind Sir!
  12. Naiwen

    Favorite Browser?

    Yes I do approve of ye Sir, or karma for it!
  13. Naiwen

    Yes or No

    I'm sorry; not telling at all; Good Sir!
  14. Naiwen

    Yes or No

    Well well; the cake is lie ye know? (I know, it's a "yes or nay" game); nevermind; nevermind please!
  15. Naiwen

    What image host do you use?

    RE: What host is it please? Ah... nay, I'd meant "imageshack; tinypic.com, photobucket.com!"
  16. Naiwen

    Yes or No

    Yes I am please! What about you Sirs or Ladies?
  17. Naiwen

    What image host do you use?

    Hey please, what image host do you use Guys?
  18. Naiwen

    How To 'Tweak' Firfox

    I'd apologize, but I'm afraid I wouldn't Sir! I do mind it this way!
  19. Naiwen

    Complaints about the PS3?

    I don't really it's fair at all for me to play it; it's "not worthy" of me!
  20. Naiwen

    Showers [MANvsWOMEN]

    No "nevermind for me or not at all for me" or I'm sorry; not for meplease, Sir!