• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. 2

    Time of day?

    What time of day do you usually play games?
  2. 2

    Online play

    Do you prefer online play on Xbox 360 or PS3?
  3. 2

    What do you use to record?

    What do you use to record?
  4. 2

    PSN ID / 360 Gamertags / Steam ID

    Post your PSN ID, 360 Gamertags and Steam ID so you can play people from Gaming Section. :) PSN ID Joshuak - Joshsnooker1994 legokiba213 - legokiba213 Loven It - Lovenit_ fantanoice - fantanoice DiverseLulz - DiverseLulz 360 Gamertag 22_22 / AstonVilla81 - AstonVilla81 legokiba213 -...
  5. 2

    Games less than £5

    What games do you have that costs less than £5? How often do you play it? Rating out of 10?
  6. 2

    How many consoles do you own?

    How many consoles do you own? Would be great if you could list them too. :)
  7. 2

    Wii skins

    Do you have any custom Wii skins?
  8. 2

    Messenger kits

    Do you have one? Chat pads, etc.
  9. 2

    Game add ons

    Do you buy any game add ons like new maps, FIFA 12 packs, etc... with Microsoft points?
  10. 2

    Downloadable games

    Do you play downloadable games?
  11. 2

    Sport games?

    Does anyone have any sport games? What are your favourites?
  12. 2


    Have you had any strange dreams lately? :roflmao:
  13. 2

    Favourite Movie?

    What is your favourite movie?
  14. 2


    Do you preorder your games online?
  15. 2

    Where do you buy your games?

    Title ^ :D
  16. 2

    Team play

    Do you play on the same team as your mate or would you rather play against him/her?
  17. 2

    Quiz Games

    Anyone play any?
  18. 2

    Play to win?

    Would you say you're a competitive gamer? Do you play to win or play for fun?
  19. 2

    FIFA 12 match?

    Anyone want a match? Maybe set up a pro club or an ultimate team match? :D I'm on Xbox 360 by the way. :)
  20. 2

    The PM Game

    Guess how many PM's the user above has!