• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Scotty

    Scotty's Daily History Lesson #2

    This video animated by Nina Paley, portrays the historic events that took place in the "Holy Land" or the area in the Middle East known as Israel in modern day. Several wars, and generations have fought over this land for both religious and resource related reasons. Leave any comments down below.
  2. Scotty

    Who would win in a battle to rule the world?

    I've been thinking, and the two most powerful evil characters I know from movies or television are Aku, from Samurai Jack, and Suaron from lord of the rings. So it got me thinking. What if the two fought. Im no talking just one on one, but I mean using all their assets available be it armies...
  3. Scotty

    Scotty's Daily History Lesson

    In today's short history lesson, we will be looking at the origin story of the United States National Anthem. For any suggestions on what history to teach tomorrow or some other time, comment down below
  4. Scotty

    Official Arstotzka Tourism Forum

    Wecome to the forum that is for Arstotzka Tourism. This forum contain many great things from the Glorious country of Arstotzka! As you can see down below, we have rich strong history! Glory to Arstotzka! Glorious Arstotzka National Anthem Glorious Map of Arstotzka Glorious Leader...
  5. Scotty

    Minecraft Server

    Since some people are saying they want one, I am thinking about hosting a mine craft server for the community out of my own wallet. I will put a poll up just to get a general idea of who is for this. Anyone experienced with mine craft staff and setting up a server please make yourself known so I...
  6. Scotty

    Most emotional song you can find

    Post the most emotional song you can find
  7. Scotty

    Chargerzz Ban

    Charger has been unbanned early, after talking to him, I decided that one month was a little to long, and therefor have lifted the ban I initially gave him.
  8. Scotty

    Hearts of Iron 4

    When you are Fascist Mexico and invade the US while they are still in depression
  9. Scotty

    Remember Kids! Pirating games, and music is illegal! *wikky wikky* Don't copy that floppy

  10. Scotty

    Prepare Yourself!

    I cannot believe they are bringing this show back! I'm freaken amazed!
  11. Scotty

    So Tomboy wrote a thing about Nightmare and I........(18+)

    So this is a thing.... @Tomboy @Nightmare2125 @Fallenpyro418 (Sparks) @Jordan @TheGrandBanana @Daytona211 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-8TCS4mZYNzbTLn33ka_Iidz0A1z9dtOYkJrCY34LAI/edit - Written by Tomboy
  12. Scotty

    How long I have been here.

    After searching through internet archives of the old ASG website for about an hour, and doing basic math on a calculator. I have determined that I have been a member of the community for exactly 1 year 8 months and 14 days. I managed to fined out that I joined on July 15th, 2015 with the forum...
  13. Scotty

    The Search For Zeal

    Long ago in a distant land there lived an ancient deity. This deity rained over an ancient kingdom known as ASG. Every week the members of this kingdom would give offerings of small children, and sporks to this deity, in exchange he would host events of the most highest quality. about 1 year...
  14. Scotty

    Where is your favorite place to fap? (Females included)

    Yes I did make this
  15. Scotty

    What Scotty looks like (less retarded edition)

  16. Scotty

    Scotty For Honorary Founder

    It has come to my attention, that many people have said "Scotty, why are you not a founder". And I reply with, "I don't know, why are you a faggot?" That being said here is a poll, to determine this situation. Honorary founder status would be like what the Queen of England is for the UK. She is...
  17. Scotty

    I'm white @Korjak

    That's me, and I am very much the opposite of black @Korjak
  18. Scotty

    Scotty and his adventures in Korea

    Was going to post some pictures I took, but there're to big
  19. Scotty

    Help Scotty find a girlfriend

    use your super internet meme skills to find me a girlfriend.
  20. Scotty

    R.I.P Leutenant General Hal Moore

    Not many of would probably care but I'd just like to make a post about a very distinguished man who died on February 10. You guys may know him from the movie "We were soldiers", where the actor Mel Gibson played him. Harold Gregory "Hal" Moore, Jr.(February 13, 1922 – February 10, 2017)...