• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Hux

    I'm back again... for good!

    Hello all, some may remember me, some may not but I was with the OLD PTM since the very beginning. I was active and since November/December time I stopped. I stopped using a lot of forums on the internet and just focused on my life because I had some family, school, fight issues and had a lot of...
  2. Hux

    It's a little bit late but I've hit over 100 posts!

    It may be a little bit late but I've hit over 100 posts now! I'd make a list thanking those of you who helped me get this far, but you're all helpful to me! I'll be at 200 in no time ;)
  3. Hux

    'Dubstep 2012' - Poster

    DUBSTEP 2012 Poster Creation. I came up with an idea today at school to create this work after listening to some Dubstep... of course. So as soon as I got home, I gave it ago! This has taken me quite a lot of time to perfect and I still know that it isn't perfect. I hope you like it and...
  4. Hux

    GTA V - Trailer #2 - (For those who haven't seen)

    So this is for those of you who haven't seen the Trailer #2. Hope you enjoy and post what you think about it below! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQEOwEBvC-M
  5. Hux

    Forza Horizon Review

    If you are a racing fan and play Xbox 360, then surely you have heard of the Forza Motorsport series? If not read anyway! General Info Forza Horizon is a high tech racing game and fun for everyone of all ages. In the latest Forza, you can race along with other players online and offline in...
  6. Hux

    The Amazing Spider-man

    General Info The Amazing Spider-man is a very fun game to play, obviously, the main character is Spider-man so that is who you are throughout the whole game. The whole point to the game is to basically save the city from danger, enemies, villains and just general criminals. This one is much...
  7. Hux

    Assassin's Creed III - Review!

    General Info Assassin's Creed is a First Person game. In the latest Assassin's Creed, you play a young Assassin called Ratonhnhaké:ton. But in the main story, he is referred to Connor. The setting is in the American Revolution (1700's) and the Templars are trying to steal the land from the...
  8. Hux

    Simple Dare Arts Youtube Background

    Hey everyone, this is a simple looking Dare arts background for Youtube I made a little while back, please could you rate and also give some feedback? I know it is really plain but it is suppose to not be over done. Thank you.
  9. Hux

    Simple PTM Desktop Background - ConnorUK

    Just a simple looking ProTechModz background I created with Cinema 4D, Photoshop and a little bit of After Effects. Hope you enjoy and rate with CnC! I have resized the image so you can see it easier. Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?9piojzmmvc81k6a Thanks!
  10. Hux

    How to Downgrade to Custom Firmware (iOS)

    So this is a simple tutorial I have decided to write myself, I will also add the links to any required downloads below. This Tutorial, will show you how to downgrade to previous versions of iOS on iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. (Not sure if it works on A5 and A6 devices yet) I recommend...
  11. Hux

    Share your Creations - PC and Xbox

    If you have any world or specific creation(s) that you YOURSELF have created, this could be from a tutorial of course, but YOU must of built it, then go ahead and post the image/video on this thread. You don't have to, but if you would like to make your world downloadable to the rest of PTM, go...