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  1. victorslide05

    Moments in games where you just want to smash the controller

    Hahaha I understand your pain,its so annoying especially when you want to score a goal or kill a die hard character.
  2. victorslide05

    How many hours do you play in a row?

    I play for good 6 hours during weekends and holidays,and 2hours weekdays. The only time am opportuned to overcome the addict is when am playing with different people in a sport game. Its not appropriate because my eyes hurt a lot and my thumbs too.
  3. victorslide05

    Do you have to complete a game 100%?

    I am a die hard gamer.If i find a game intresting,I do everything possible to finish it. When I started GTA it was really tough,I has to use cheat to play some missions and even paid a friend to tell me tricks.I just wanted to see how it ended,which I achieved. I can't play a game without...
  4. victorslide05

    Do you make use of analog button while playing soccer games?

    Yes I do. Analog button helps me do amazing moves faster.I can go any direction with it.I love using analog button because, it doesn't pain my thumb if I play for a long time.
  5. victorslide05

    Do you like playing your game with your siblings?

    Yes! Playing with my brother is quite competitive and I love it.We do play pes most times.He doesn't want me to win him as a kid brother, and I still strive to win my senior brother.We even bet sometimes.hahaha
  6. victorslide05

    What Console Do You Use The Most?

    I use my play station 3 and that's my favourite console.I connect it to a big plasma television and wear my 3d glasses.The tax covers my WiFi making me more addicted to my PlayStation 3.
  7. victorslide05

    Whats your Favourite Type of Game?

    Just like you,I love racing games so much.No matter what am riding,I don't really care once its racing.Am just so addicted to racing games that I got a Logitech wheel and a 3d glasses.I have played a lot ranging from NFS,driver club,motor sport, F1,wipeout and many more.
  8. victorslide05

    Moments in games where you just want to smash the controller

    Hahaha,this reminds me of call of duty iv.I smached my controller when I had to bomb a tank moving above the bridge.The frustrating thing about it was the distance from last saved and killing the enemies. I didn't know how to activate the rifle and will still get killed trying.I almost gave up...
  9. victorslide05

    Suggest Games For Me

    Wow!PlayStation4,that's awesome.Get the game grand theft v.You must have heard of or played the older versions of the game.If not,it is a bad gang game,where you do illegal stuufs to make money, everything is allowed but don't get the police alerted. Get the online version of GTA v and...
  10. victorslide05

    Who Plays FIFA HERE

    Exactly,but EA should try and improve, so even non sport gamers can buy from them,creating a larger community of FIFA gamers.Won't that be awesome?
  11. victorslide05

    Wired or wireless controller?

    hahaha,exactly! Too sad even technologies can't be trusted.
  12. victorslide05

    Wired or wireless controller?

    I love the your honesty,wireless controllers is just a timed enjoyment. Don't really get your second question?
  13. victorslide05

    Wired or wireless controller?

    hahaha,the ps3 controller you made mention of doesn't really stay long when charged and not suitable for an addicted gamer like me.It might be amazing when its new but gets weak with time.Wired controller is more reliable.
  14. victorslide05

    What Kind of PC Do You Have?

    HP core i5 7th Gen 8GB ram/1TB HDD Windows 10 Home 4GB graphics 15-au114TX Notebook It also came with 2gb nvidia Ge 940Mx graphics card which is good for gaming.
  15. victorslide05

    Favorite PC Game ?

    Minecraft is my favorite because i can be anything i want to be,from defending a castle to being an assassin.Minecraft has alot of adventures.
  16. victorslide05

    Wired or wireless controller?

    I definitely prefer wired controllers because, i cant stand the frustration of my wireless batteries run out during a game or reseach.Those wireless controllers are just expensive to buy and changing batteries adds to it. I would had preferred the wireless controllers if they don't occupy a USB...
  17. victorslide05

    Do you think GTA V is too violent?

    No doubt,GTA v is quite violent,but i would happily shot an old woman in GTA,because its a game.I would not do same in real life because am mentally alright.ESRB rate this games,so i think GTA V is quiet violent but it has an age rating.If someone plays GTA V and finds it quite violent and...
  18. victorslide05

    Favorite Xbox Game

    Mine is Batman,the story is very gripping,amazing graphics,fun but pretty hard missions. The punching,kicking,stomping,chocking,wrestling a whole city full of criminals makes its amazing and my favorite. It might be furious but i still love it on my xbox360.
  19. victorslide05

    Who Plays FIFA HERE

    I have been playing FIFA since 2011.I have a vista and a ps4, i dont mind if you call me a game freak,hahaha.I cant really wait for FIFA 18,i know it will be awesome but i hope AE will add more functions to FIFA18 like, -Fixing the sever properly and stop the prompt disconnection. -They should...
  20. victorslide05

    IQ Games for PC or Mobile Phones?

    For brain and IQ game,most people would talk about puzzle, but I came upon HAPPIFY. Its an amazing game where you train your brain to be happy. it is a psychology game that you use strategies to get rid of negative thoughts,get rid of stress and cope with the world and economy.its is available...