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Search results

  1. jitendra0341

    How often do you buy new games?

    I don't buy games every and then.It depends on my moods or whenever some exciting games come into the market.Any expert review I get.Sometimes, my friends suggest a particular game that hey play this a new kind of game come you should try at it.
  2. jitendra0341

    Favourite Game Genre

    My favourite game genre is action,adventure.It always entice me to continue.It increases my adrenalin level to achieve the fun and excitement that I was looking for after that long schedule of work.
  3. jitendra0341

    WHY do you game?

    I like to play action,adventure genre in game.It give us competition.It feels accomplishing when we complete the stages of a game.It is like we have done something or achieve something great.The plot and environment of the game always entice me to continue till some stages are completed.It is so...
  4. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    I read game reviews on youtube and forums , blogs.I read the description about the game.I search for system requirement ,features,mechanics of the game.The opinions about expert is also important to me.they give us valuable feedback about the game.
  5. jitendra0341

    Do you wait for discounts?

    Yes I wait for a while for prices to cut down.When sale starts in the form of summer sale on holiday sale or any such.I have to admit that I go for it instantly.Usually,it depends on my urge how much I want a particular game.If it is not available in discount,I even buy it as it tempts me to do so.
  6. jitendra0341

    WHY do you game?

    Yes, it is a wonderful world playing a game we found ourselves in another world fighting with demons,monsters,etc.I feel like we become superheroes in this world.It takes our tension off from our day to day work.It is so easy and no need any special training to enjoy on our PC.Games are great...
  7. jitendra0341

    Do you play mobile games to kill time?

    Playing in mobile is always a fun and good time pass.But it has some limitations.We can not have the advantages of PC or laptop where we have accessories to help in playing different types of game with peripherals.I play jungle book,subway surfer,temple run,disney games.
  8. jitendra0341

    What do you all do for a living?

    For a living I am working for a company.I am doing here managerial works.Company have lots of work to be done.It is in road construction,building construction work. They rice mills, Rolling mills, crasher.I have to handle all of these work.
  9. jitendra0341

    Do you play mobile games to kill time?

    Yes, I play mobile games to spend my time.We have now full-fledged console quality available in android.These games require some serious time to spend.Despite all of these,the majority of games can be called as time killers.When you have nothing to do any,they are great to play ,killing time.But...
  10. jitendra0341

    WHY do you game?

    I play game because they are an entertaining way to spend our time.The purpose is to have fun on our free time.There are so many facets of real world that don't suck.Try to capitalizing as much as possible.
  11. jitendra0341

    Are there any games you can play over and over and never tire of?

    There are lots of game we play daily and infected out of it.Mine are the original infamous.Why I go for it I don't know but I did it.and never get tired of.The certain moment in the game made a genuine response out of me.I always getting warming from these games.The next one is Homeworld.My god...
  12. jitendra0341

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Yes, you are right. We get the game not just searching or shopping outside.We are influenced by the youtuber what they review about the game.New games come and the trailers are sometimes enticing but the full information about the game we get on youtube only..
  13. jitendra0341

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Yes , you are right.These youtuber and live streamers make us made up our mind by their excellent review of the particular games.We come to know that they have great fun with the game that interests us too.We end up buying those games recommended by the reviewer.
  14. jitendra0341

    WHY do you game?

    I play game to beat my tension.It gives me lots of fun in playing.We generally forget our present environment and go to unexplored imaginary world to engage our self.Time when we play any game is the best part of our life.As it reminds us childhood we enjoyed much doing same again and again,It...
  15. jitendra0341

    Favorite horror game?

    Depth of fear,knossos has been my favorite horror game.It is a dangerous game.The sound is thrilling,the enemy is unpredictable.The list is endless to choose. Dead space 1 and 2 is also one of the amazing game in horror flick.
  16. jitendra0341

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Yes, a youtuber can definitely change the opinion about a particular game.When the video posted looks good with good review,we tend to follow that game.they have the power to influence us.
  17. jitendra0341

    How many hours?

    It depends on how much time you have to play your favorite game.Generally I play 15 to 30 hours a week.It exceeds in weekends.
  18. jitendra0341

    Hello to everyone

    Hello members, I am feeling happy to be here. I have been taking interest from my childhood.I happy to share those experiences here.