• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Shimus

    PS3 Trophies

    Each player plays their own way. I love seeing completely mastered games, all achievements, everything capped out, all DLC beaten. I like to feel like I've milked every last cent of the games I have.
  2. Shimus

    Hi there!

    Welcome to the forums, Burt! Hope to see you around discussing some cool topics. Make some threads and we'll love ya for life! hahah
  3. Shimus

    How often do you play?

    I play whatever I can find to occupy my free time. This could be any amount or type of games, but only ever for the alotted free time that I get (4 hours?) But lately little and less. I'd say like maybe two ARAMs. Maybe a Dom. Never an SR without friends.
  4. Shimus

    hello hello

    Welcome aboard! I'm from USA, Pennsylvania specifically (Eastern Coast) and I'm just dropping by to welcome you into the fold. Hope to see you on the forums and discussing cool topics!
  5. Shimus

    What are you listening to right now?

    I love these type of threads. I didn't see one in our offtopic, so I figured heck why not. I'll start. I'm a big anime fan, so I've been listening to anime openings with a spattering of 90's Grunge music. For chill, how about some Chrono Trigger? And to cap it off, My Grunge of the day...
  6. Shimus

    Xbox DESTINY (360)

    Anyone play DESTINY for the 360? I do. I loved it, at one point. I still religiously PVP/Do weekly resets, but I don't love it like I did. Waiting on DLC. 3 32's, One of each Class. Grimoire of almost 2700 now, and I have almost every exotic I can acquire. Just grinding Grimoire score now for...
  7. Shimus

    What skins do you own?

    I'm with Id. I've spent so much money it's easier to ask "Which ones DON'T I have" But I know I still don't have a fair number of legendaries due to lack of playing the champ the legendary is for. I can't justify 10-15 bucks on one skin when I buy most on sale for 2-4 bucks a skin. 4-6 skins or...
  8. Shimus

    You can be one champion for a day, who do you pick?

    Mundo. Because he does as he pleases. And I would do as I pleased. Seems to fit. Seriously, though? TF. Gamble. Cheat at cards. Teleport away when you get caught. Make a run of the casinos! Be a badass casino teleporting gambit.
  9. Shimus

    Favorite Skin?

    Favorite skin? FULLMETAL Anything, namely Pantheon. I like Jayce's but it feels too futuristic. Rammus has the next best fullmetal skin because of the grinder and whirring noises... but my all time favorite is CORPORATE MUNDO! Mundo OUTSOURCE YOUR FACE! MUNDO FILE! UHH MUNDO GOING TO NEED...
  10. Shimus

    PS3 Trophies

    Same way. If something reads 99.9 percent I'm going to 100% something. IF there's a category to fill in, farm for, or locate, I will do it as well. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to platforming games of this nature. Can't help it, was built into me from an early age.
  11. Shimus

    What do you do when you can't get out of bed?

    When you can't get out of bed? So every day? I usually roll back over and sleep for awhile. Failing that, I dredge up my own home-made cures and try to find get-well recipes online in a Molotov cocktail of medicine. I have no friends/family where I live so it's up to me to take care of me, even...
  12. Shimus

    Longest session

    I don't think it's Kudos worthy because it can damage your body, but I did it a lot LOL My longest spree without any mind altering substances/caffeine = five days ( but I had to stay awake, falling asleep wasn't an option when you have to move a house in five days that is three stories huge...
  13. Shimus

    What is the coolest thing you've built on Minecraft?

    First, I love Video Game stuff so I made a giant gold and obsidian triforce in the sky, something like this photo but MUCH much MUCH more huge (you could see it while chunks were loading waaaay off the map:) Another good couple things have been my massive fortresses, both in the sky, on the...
  14. Shimus

    PS3 How much longer?

    This entirely. You can't expect them to not phase it out. Most consoles are a 10-to-15 year cycle (anywhere in between) before they can support for their previous versions. This is no different with Microsoft as well (look all the windows versions they've 'phased' out) so just prepare for it.
  15. Shimus

    Why am I so bad at LoL?

    It's not about guessing, as much as people tell you it is. Guessing is like 10% of the main goal. 50% is picking up a champion who fits your individual playstyle and practicing with them until you get good (ARAM, Bot Stomps, Dom) and then take them on to Summoners Rift when you feel confident...
  16. Shimus

    Anyone like to XBOX360 DESTINY? I love to PVP, looking for Pals.

    Anyone like to XBOX360 DESTINY? I love to PVP, looking for Pals.
  17. Shimus

    Longest session

    I think me and my friends lan partied it for four days (we had caffeine pills, red bulls, plenty of marijuana (won't lie)) and plenty of good alcohol. It was like a party. We just kept going until day four most of us crashed. I was one of the last ones standing so I said f it, chugged some rum...
  18. Shimus

    Project Entropia (Now Known as Entropia Universe)

    Game started out WAY back in the day. Touted itself as being the best "Real money to ingame conversion" out there. You could even CASH BACKWARDS. That's right, making MONEY off the game depending on what you want to do. It's like a futuristic SIMS, you could own real estate, be a tradeskiller or...
  19. Shimus

    Post your desktop!

    All my Icons and Toolbars are popup and off/the side. And all the menus under those are submenus. I like looking at nothing but an elegant background wallpaper.
  20. Shimus

    Hello GameRebels!

    Nice to meet ya. Hopefully we can get along. Name's Shane or Shimus whichever you prefer. I've been gaming for nearly 26 myself, starting at three. Yay for NES. I'm sure we'll get along. You love Streets of Rage and those type of games so what else to do you like? RPGS? Online? Single Player...