• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. P

    Biggest Marathon In History!

    My friends and I are planning to do a huge marathon! We are going to be doing 3-4 days straight of all the Call of Duty campaigns on Veteran! We will be taping this most important parts and be posting the highlights up on youtube. This will be insane, if you want us to try and livestream this...
  2. P

    Recruitment Challenge Video

    Tell me how Marely and I did please. We tried our best to get the highest quality we could. This is an HD PVR, so if you know any settings that are better, please, tell me what they are. I'd like to get the best quality for our viewers. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA4LVy0ani4&feature=relmfu
  3. P

    Good Clan on MW2

    Hey, so my clan and I were playing mw2 yesterday. We found some guys that we thought were cool and ACTUALLY good at trickshotting. They hit about 2 shots on us in one game within 20-30 seconds of starting to trickshot. They have some really cool edits. Check them out...
  4. P

    Bought 20 Lotto Tickets

    As the title says, I have officially bought 20 Lotto Tickets with about 2 hours left. Hopefully none of you will get on to take my lotto from me haha. I started out with like 18 posts and 458 points. I started posting around everywhere with legitimate posts and got it to where I could afford 20...
  5. P


    Hey, the end of the school year is coming FAST!! I don't know about you guys, but my school year has come and gone pretty fast. I've had a ton of fun and this year will never be forgotten. My grades are steady, but I have one D- from my stupid teacher who grades things with percentages... I have...
  6. P

    Michael Phelps

    I heard that he isn't going to be doing the Olympics this year. Even if he does he is only doing like 2-3 races? Anyone know any more information on this subject. Also, that there is a new swimmer that is trying to take the 2nd time of 8 Golds at the Olympics this year as well. His name would...
  7. P

    Runescape Bots?

    Ya, just wanted to see who all botted Runescape on here. I know a few people who do. I don't, even though it may look like it. I know of a few good bots out there for people who don't know. The Bots "Names" That's it guys, if you want, you can post some pictures, I will do my best to put...
  8. P

    RSN Name

    Hey guys, this is just a short little post, it used to be always posted by an old member, I just randomly thought of this. I will not be moderating this forums here. You must post your RSN if you want it to be known. People can look at your post, see who it's from and add them accordingly. If...
  9. P

    Congratulations Everyone

    Believe it or not guys, this site is growing. May not be very fast it seems like, but the more active we are and the more we get our name out there, the more we grow. No other site started out huge. TTG switched back and forth between many different things and finally stuck with MyBB because...
  10. P

    Best Stats for Runescape Pures

    Hey everyone, so yes, I do play Runescape sometimes. I have a main and a pure which I mainly play on my pure. So, to start this out, there are several different versions of "pures" in the world of Runescape now-a-days. There are things called, Zerker Pures, Mage Pures, Range Pures, and the...
  11. P

    Need a Mod Program?

    Hey guys, I'm here to offer my services to you. If you need a modding program and can't find it. Just let me know and I will find it for you. First, what I will ask you is, "Did you try Google." If you haven't done that, try it. Second, I will ask you, "Are you scared of a virus?" If the answer...
  12. P

    Guessing Game

    You have to guess (in the hundreds) how many PTM Points the next person will have for this game to work. Voi, I say that you can't partake in this game because you have way too ridiculous amount of points. Only fair for the guessers, sorry buddy. I guess that the first person to post on this...
  13. P

    Add me on Xbox

    Add me on XBL, I'm YoGi Picnic. On PS3, my psn is... iWannaGoProBro
  14. P

    Can't Request Featured Video?

    Hey, I am very confused as of right now. I went to go and request that this video be a featured video and it says that I can't post there. Well, here is the video. I made the dubstep, and didn't concentrate on the editing of the video itself so it is fairly bad...
  15. P

    Old friend of Admins

    Hey everyone, hope to see this community get big. It was always fun hanging out with JeTa. He actually sent me a message on a different site and I got and email from it and he gave me a link here. Thanks for that an I'll be looking forward to having fun here. I wrote this on an iPhone so don't...