• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. TheViper

    PS2 Favorite PlayStation 2 Game

    I'm looking into expanding my PS2 collection very soon. I bought my Slim PS2 a few years back but never amassed the amount of games I wanted. Therefore, I decided to see what you guys favorite PS2 game was in hopes of picking up some classic games to play.
  2. TheViper

    Last Mobile Games Played

    The ease of gaming is more available then ever before thanks to smartphones. You can now play Grand Theft Auto on most smartphones with graphics that hold up to the console version. With that being said, it is likely that almost anyone that owns a smartphone has played a mobile game or app. What...
  3. TheViper

    How Many Hours Wasted On GTA?

    There are those kind of games where you just can't help but play for a couple of hours. I found that Grand Theft Auto games were the kind of game. That caused me to lose sleep as I would stay up well into the next day playing and messing around. How many hours did you guys waste playing GTA?
  4. TheViper

    Custom Built PC?

    Just wondering if any of you guys own or thought about building your own PC? I know that very soon I will be purchasing the parts to build my first PC. Getting really excited about it and just hope I won't get a faulty ram or something. What do you guys think about custom built computers?
  5. TheViper

    Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Horror Stories

    There is without a doubt that many of us that have owned a Xbox 360. Have a horror story during our time of owning or even borrowing one. My horror story is that my Xbox 360 was RROD right out of the box. After numerous back and forth with Microsoft. They finally sent me a brand new console that...
  6. TheViper

    Who Even Plays Their Nintendo Wii?

    I know that the only reason I bought a Nintendo Wii was to play Smash Bros and Mario. Though, even that isn't enough for me purchase a Wii. I have my Nintendo Wii collecting dust in the closet now and still wondering why I bought it. Who here still plays their Nintendo Wii?
  7. TheViper

    Mario Nintendo's Only Money Maker?

    I'm starting to wonder if Mario is Nintendo's only money maker nowadays. Like I know they have other characters they can base games around. Though, whenever I think about Nintendo it is only about Mario. It seems to me that they put so much behind Mario. That it seems like any other franchise...
  8. TheViper

    Play a Cop In GTA?

    How would you guys feel about playing as a cop in the next Grand Theft Auto? I think it could be a good change of pace in the franchise. Though, I can also see why it could hurt what the whole series is about. What do you guys think about playing as a cop in GTA?
  9. TheViper

    PS2 Do You Still Own A PlayStation 2?

    I am a big oldie lover and consoles are no exception. Even when the "next gen" consoles were released. I still played my PlayStation 2 on a consistent basis. There are still some games that I have yet to play on my PS2 that I am purchasing soon. Who here still owns a PlayStation 2?