• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Rebelssis

    Who Do You Think Is The Most Annoying Champion In Urf?

    I know all the champions deal tons of damage when in URF mode, but there ones that are just killing machines. If you give them just two kills, you will give an advantage that will cost you really expensive. In my case, I would say it’s Miss Fortune. I main her, so I know her potential. Dude, she...
  2. Rebelssis

    What Is Your Favorite Skin Theme?

    You know League of Legends offers us those fantastic skins with some details shared among some champions, like the Arcade (Sona, Corki, Ezreal…) and Star Guardian (Jinx, Miss Fortune, Lux…) themes. What is your favorite? Personally, I love the Arcade theme because of many reasons. First, I like...