• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Suggestion Add more staff members

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2017
Reaction score
As I have said on my previous posts and thread I was thinking how about adding more Staff members here as I know there are a few online and everyone has different time zones and the more few staff members on here the more better GR can be due on Activity and user competitions and prizes and events and more ways you get wins stuff for free with GR money? What do you guys think more importantly what do you think @Jordan @Jog and @Scotty


Well-Known Member
Community Supervisor
Mar 16, 2016
Reaction score
Scotty hosts monthly competitions for prizes and he is your best source for information on those

@Jordan and @Twos control the other flow of things on the backend (eg designing forums, shop management, economy)

And staff team is controlled by @Hux with his other admins such as @Vladimir Gray

Overall the forums are split into subsections and what needs to be fixed or not fixed is ultimately decided upon by those who manage it, with others stepping in when necessary. So if staff applications aren't open, then it was determined based on amount of traffic the forum receives vs the needed staff ratio. Vice versa if it is open for applicants. Also the RB's are just a form of additional bonuses to forum users. Most forums only offer trophies and other awards for posting that don't amount to anything of physical value besides bragging rights. On here the RB's give you something to work for and post smartly for. So having the ability to mass gain them, or have sales everyday does not simply work.
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