Interesting to see how gaming in general becomes more and more mainstream, and at a pretty fast rate too. I remember when some TV channels (can't remember which ones) broadcast TI4, which was a pretty big deal in my opinion.
First I love the username Do you actually play Pudge in the game HAHA. I saw a pudge last week who was wearing 4 different boots and noting else in his hand. It was the enemy so i am not sure what was going on but I can say he was not a very good player. missed his hooks, always hooked his terammates at the wrong time, even saved my but on 2 occasions by hooking his teammate. The sad thing was it wasnt a general oops i made a mistake it was straight line me then enemy then pudge and he hooked his teammate. yea not a fun game.( for the enemy of course HAHA)
I am still quite astounded as to how much money can be made by a good team in dota 2.
In normal games its ok to make mistakes. those are the games we play just for fun.Get your hook down and you will be just fine.Yep, I actually do play him quite a lot, only in normals though! I know how frustrating it can be to play with a mediocre or bad pudge, so I try to play super safe, and if I still mess up I'll try to help with the warding and stuff in order to not be completely useless.