I literally can't choose a favorite game, seriously. I've played so many amazing games and a lot of them were amazing in such different ways that I can't even begin to compare them.
The Pokemon series, for example; one of my favorites because of the nostalgic value it holds for me above all else. It is what truly got me into gaming, I believe, so the place it holds for me is very special.
But on the other hand, The Last Of Us was a more recent game that I played. I feel less of a personal attachment to the game, but the experience while playing it was mindblowing and it was packed full of amazing content around every turn. Very emotional experience for me, just not enough to keep it as close to my heart as I'd hold the Pokemon series.
Then there's several RPG maker games that are special to me, but specifically To The Moon. Being RPG maker based, obviously it doesn't hold a lot of 'wow' factor graphics-wise because it
is made up of pixels (though in the game's defense they are very well done pixels

). But even so, the game packed an emotional punch with me that beat out The Last Of Us for some reason, probably out of relateability. It is one of very few games that has made me cry, and continues to make me cry even just by listening to the soundtrack or trying to explain the story to someone who hasn't played it.
The three games are so immensely different, but all amazing in their own ways. I can't compare them and choose a favorite out of them because the styles are all so unique and they are all favorite to me for different reasons.