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How much trouble have you been through with gaming?


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Jul 24, 2017
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I was suspended from school for a few days for playing on my newly bought PSP. I was playing Impact on it. Man, it was the mathematics teacher, and you know how scary they could be. I was immediately taken to the principal, who punished me with a five days suspension. Nevertheless, I liked it. I could play at home. :androidongue:

I still remember that day and laugh at times. My friends also know about that, but not my parents. It was actually nice of the principal to not to call my parents. I would've been grounded for it if they came to knew. And my PSP would've been taken from me:androidsad:. But it didn't happen, right. I guess I was lucky.:androidongue:


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Jul 23, 2017
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I never really got in trouble to be honest. I sometimes skipped school by faking an illness to play, sometimes I completely forgot about my homework to play, but I never really got in trouble. I was in a good position to use my gameboy when I was in elementary school, I never got caught :)


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Jul 5, 2017
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I never got myself into too much trouble with games. I did skip school a few times because I was excited about beating a particular game. The one that really comes to mind is when I finally got to the last zone in Mario 64. I called in and faked being sick so I could sit at home and play. I didn't really get in trouble for it, which is too bad because it was a crappy thing to do. It was fun though, I wont lie. It's a great memory finally beating Bowser that first time.


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Jul 7, 2017
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I have never gotten into trouble due to gaming. I believe in having good self-discipline. Playing excessive hours is not good for social life and also our health. I have had a friend who barely scraped through in university as he was an addicted gamer.


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Jul 13, 2017
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I have never lost a friend or girlfriend to gaming--I tend to pay attention and try to stay attentive to cues other people are giving me, and not just because of gaming, but when it comes to anything I am doing and my relationships. If anything you are doing is making someone else feel uncomfortable, you need to stop and analyze that. However, that being said, if I'd rather do something alone, such as gaming, rather than be with others, and I was healthy and ok with that, then i could go that route too.


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Jun 28, 2017
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Hmm, I haven't had as much trouble as breaking up with my girlfriend because of video games. That's too extreme for me. The most extreme case of trouble that I got into was receiving a sermon from my teacher in high school because I cut classes with some of my friends just to play Counter Strike via LAN. I also got into a fight with my girlfriend because she didn't want me to pay video games while we were eating. That didn't prompt us to break up though. So far so good I think.


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Jun 19, 2017
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My last girlfriend actually broke up with me due to gaming. It was actually my fault because I forgot that we had plans and it was her birthday and I was at home playing games. She just went to my place and just broke up with me. Felt really bad but I can laugh about it now.
Damn man! I am sad to read such stories. In my opinion gaming is supposed to bring good things to people's lives like knowledge and relaxation and not break ups :( Still im glad you recognized your mistake and I'm sure you won't repeat it in the future.


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Jul 10, 2017
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I don't know how to share it because every time I remember it I don't know how I feel. The worst trouble I experience because of gaming is fighting with a gangster in our school. It began with simple bullying in gaming then it gets worst when we beat them in a gaming contest. I can never forget that moment because we might be expelled if our parents didn't arrange it.


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Jul 13, 2017
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Hmm, I haven't had as much trouble as breaking up with my girlfriend because of video games. That's too extreme for me. The most extreme case of trouble that I got into was receiving a sermon from my teacher in high school because I cut classes with some of my friends just to play Counter Strike via LAN. I also got into a fight with my girlfriend because she didn't want me to pay video games while we were eating. That didn't prompt us to break up though. So far so good I think.

I've definitely received similar lectures about how gaming was a waste of time, and my mom would ban me from the games if I didn't keep my grades up and the chores done. In some ways, the threat of the games being taken away most likely contributed to me making good grades and helping around the house...


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Jul 6, 2017
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Ohh men sorry to hear that :c, well in my case i only forgot the birthdays of my parents, i loss good experiences with my friends, i loss a lot of oportunities in the laboral scene and wont remenber what more lose for this life or the way i lived, but in the end I have to ask myself a question, really worth it? no, i do not think so, although i enjoy playing a lot i regret of having lost those good moments and for that right now i play less than before.


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Jul 15, 2017
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Funny question LOL well... not so many I have to say. I think the most common it's having some bad records at school, failing a test because I was obsessed with a particular game by that time