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Kayn The Shadow Reaper: Champion Reveal


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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Riot announced the next champion to hit Summoner's Rift the other day. Take a look at Kayn's abilities and playstyle:

Additional Information.

What do you think of him? Is this a champion you think you'd like to try out in the jungle or maybe top lane? I'd love to give him a shot sometime, as it seems interesting that depending which form you take, Shadow Assassin or Darkin, it gives your abilities unique effects.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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Oh god, watch the flood of the Kayn's upon his release. Solo queue will be full of them :(

I really like the concept. It seems fairly innovative and it allows a lot of creativity on the spot. Do you want to attack the range? simple, just change the form. Your team needs a tank? simple, just change the form again. The only issue could be if you build specifically for let's say a tank role and then you realize that somebody else goes tank and you should have gone DPS. You can switch the form but the items will stay the same. I guess you will have to communicate beforehand and decide what path you want to go also based on the enemies comp.

I still can't figure out of which game character (not in League of Legends) his weapon reminds me of...


Active Member
May 19, 2017
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Watching Kayn weave in and out of walls just makes me jizz in my pants. He's like the embodiment of my favorite kinds of characters. If he was invisible I would play him even if he was the worst champion ever. The thing is, he is totally going to get Camille'd and what that means is nerfed into the ground until unplayable. They nerfed Camille so hard they undid one of the nerfs a few months later and Urgot can still 1v1 her. It's truly sad. I'm calling it first they are going to lower the percentage damage on his Q in Darkin form then they are going to nerf the duration inside of the walls. After that they are going to nerf the percentage of max health heal that the darkin form gets then they are going to nerf the movement speed inside of the wall for the Blue Assassin form. Then they will nerf the Knockup duration for Darkin form because we all know that is the OP one. Then they will find some base stats to nerf by a few points and then we're all set.


Active Member
May 19, 2017
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They should just balance the champions from the beginning so we don't have to go through the pain of watching such a fun champion be reduced to nothing. God damn it Rito, why do you do this every time there is joy in my life. Does anyone remember when they nerfed Jhin just because pros were abusing him after they already nerfed his Q and Ult ratios? That took a chunk out of my soul.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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They should just balance the champions from the beginning so we don't have to go through the pain of watching such a fun champion be reduced to nothing. God damn it Rito, why do you do this every time there is joy in my life. Does anyone remember when they nerfed Jhin just because pros were abusing him after they already nerfed his Q and Ult ratios? That took a chunk out of my soul.
I know what you mean. You would think that with the testing that goes into developing the champion, Riot would be able to avoid having to nerf them to oblivion after they're released. Of course, I'm not a game developer so I have no idea exactly what variables go into designing and executing a new champion in League. I feel like community members, and especially pros, will find ways to use champion's abilities, combos, and builds in ways that Riot employees do not foresee, making them have to nerf the champ.


Active Member
May 19, 2017
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Yeah, I can understand that I'm not unreasonable, but they should be able to foresee the maximum power level of a champion. Like I know the whole PBE release is to see where they are strong and where they aren't like what they did with Galio before he was even released they nerfed the armor scaling of his W because it was OP and they still ended up nerfing him afterward not that it wasn't well deserved. I never actually ended up playing the Galio rework so I don't know how strong it was. I think that they should implement something like a nerf for higher tiers or pro play kind of thing. I know it sounds far fetched, I know I just pulled this out of my ass right now but I think it isn't right to nerf a champion because a few teams use it to dick on the other teams. That just isn't right.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2017
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I saw it and I loved it but definitely it'll get nerfed the ability of walking through walls is just insane, they thought that giving him simple skills that don't have a lot of passives is ok but then they create probably the most versatile champion obliterator of all...I mean you can play it however you want because of the duality and I didn't even mentioned the ulti that lets you travel with some powerful movement ults like Rek'Sai's or Shen's.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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I'm so excited about it because it looks like a mele champ that I would definitely buy as soon as I reach 6300 ip. For me it has an average mobility and his abilities are really awesome, for me, it looks a lot like Aatrox, then I found out that in Kayn's lore, he has a connection with Aatrox, and that's so so coold.
I also saw a few streamers playing him and they made chaos. I can't wait to play him.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
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Maybe releasing a champion in his very strong entrance to the game is a part of their business. Remeber most of the people will buy the hero and buy also a skin. This is a great opportunity for them to have sales and then they will just balance the new hero after they made money. This new hero looks cool and has strong graphics skills. I would love to see him in the fountain doing that.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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He seems very strong and I feel like he is most likely going to receive a nerf within the next patch. I think it will be his Ult and E to get hit the hardest with maybe a sight damage decrease on his Q. He almost might not get nerfed at all, but he just seems OP right now because people do not know how to play against him. I have almost 7000 IP right now so hopefully I can purchase him, he seems super fun to play. I have seen him played top the most but I want to try him in the jungle.


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Jul 10, 2017
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I played as Pantheon versus him in the top lane the other day. Wasn't impressed. I played versus him yesterday with Khazix, at the early game he wasn't very good, but late game, a complete monster, doing incredible dives under turret, 1v3 potential. Possibly my new ban pick.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
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I'm with a match with him like for 4 days already. In all those game against him I always win. Maybe because players aren't use to playing him yet. On my Observation he isn't really a threat. The only thing I hate on what he does is that he become invulnerable for a long time. He can enter terrain for a long time and he has a skill to be untargettable also. I even play with him on ARAM and all he do is go to the side and become untargettable. He looks cool but I think he needs more improvement.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
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A lot was the espectation related to this champion and not only the espectation if not the hatred related to him, for me in the end turned out be a balanced champion the truth, not very powerful but not weak in its area, is exceptional in the jg and a very bearable pick.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
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Been seeing a lot of Kayn players on my normal games, when will this end? :(

He's also always banned in my ranked games right now, I think he's quite imbalanced and is in need of nerfs.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Been seeing a lot of Kayn players on my normal games, when will this end? :(

He's also always banned in my ranked games right now, I think he's quite imbalanced and is in need of nerfs.
I have seen lately only one or two kayn and they were not good the truth, they were more a minion more in the game than anything, it is a strong champion against adc and one and other fighter but it can be erased easily, although yes, always It ban him in ranked.