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Learning League


Active Member
May 15, 2016
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I've just started to play League and I can frankly say that I suck, but I'm addicted so I wan't to get better. Only thing that stops me playing is the toxicity that people have to lower level players.

So in saying that, I'd love if some people from this community wanted to get together and play one or two games in a pretty laid back environment.

My League name is: Gytix
Give me a message on there if anyone is ever up for playing!


Active Member
Apr 23, 2016
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Well I can say that I had some similar experiences when I played Legends, but now that I think about I tend to have those struggles with most of the games that are more complex and strategic, and it doesn't help when others are out there to take you down. Unfortunately I do not really play the game that much anymore, but what you offer does sound like a good idea to get a little better and start enjoying it a little more. Best of luck to you going forward...I'm sure it'll get easier.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2016
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Mute button is a wonderful ad beautiful feature in League of Legends. When you team up with a bunch of basement critters with zero manners and overall douches, you can trigger your anti toxicity shield, they can go AFK and die for what they worth.

Anyway, my overall suggestions for newer players are:

- Practice last hitting minions, since you only receive gold if you deal the last hit required to kill it. And also take your time to learn the effect of every item. In lower tiers, properly itemizing and steady gold income will have you a great advantage since most people in this level don't even bother with it and just copycat the item builds from their idol streamer.

- Pick simple champions at first. such as Garen/Trundle/Poppy/Pantheon/Kayle for warrior, soraka/Sona/Blitzcrank/Taric for support, Warwick or Nunu for jungle, Ashe/Sivir for marksman, Ryze/Annie/Fiddlesticks for mages. I would stay away from squishy assassins (Talon/Katarina/Fizz etc.) until you get better at avoiding skillshots.

- Always prioritize Objective taking rather than kills. Destroy a tower, keeps your minions wave doing a constant pressure in your line (by killing the enemy minion fast), kill dragon being jungle or with his help.

- Avoid dying to the enemy as much as possible. More deaths equals more money for them. More money for them better items they afford, and enemies with better items than you mean you can't duel them without help. Or even worse, you can't engage a teamfight for that.

- When you reach late game and the enemy team is stronger than your team. Is better to make diversion and have someone capable of doing split push. Split push is a maneuver to clear an entire line from enemy minion waves and towers. Tryndamere, Shyvana and Trundle are some that are good at it. The diversion is necessary to have enough time to perform splitpushing and avoid end up dying for a 5v1 enemy ambush.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2016
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Trust me, that toxicity will go away never. It will transition all the way up to higher elo. If you want to get better, watch a lot of videos from the pros. Watch streams or just play Master Yi. If you are on the NA server and ever down to play, add 'ComingtoKS'. It's a smurf I'm working on.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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I'll tell you something that's been a huge asset to me lately. Unfortunately, I didn't start doing this until I was level 30 and already playing ranked games: turn off your allchat, and mute teammates if you think they're going to be abusive. The game is designed you can essentially communicate everything you intend to do with pings, so it's not necessary to type to one another. I've found this leads to a much more pleasant gaming experience, and I don't get ticked off as easily when people are being toxic.

Other than that, pick a lane you want to learn (top lane is generally a go-to), and grab a champ or two you'd like to main. Start researching build paths, combos and playstyles and just get a feel for them and the game. From there, you can transition what you learn to the next champ and lane.

Good luck!

Miles Lucas

Active Member
May 17, 2017
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Since I have a lot of experience playing league and leveling up to level 30 I think I am qualified to tell you that people are going to and always will be toxic no matter what. My opinion on this is that no matter what you do they will always be toxic. Even if you mute them they will still be toxic. They will still spam pings or tell their friends to tell you that you are a "scrub". I still recommend muting them and when the muting pings feature comes out, take advantage of that.


Active Member
May 18, 2017
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Since I have a lot of experience playing league and leveling up to level 30 I think I am qualified to tell you that people are going to and always will be toxic no matter what. My opinion on this is that no matter what you do they will always be toxic. Even if you mute them they will still be toxic. They will still spam pings or tell their friends to tell you that you are a "scrub". I still recommend muting them and when the muting pings feature comes out, take advantage of that.

From a player, whos made it to Plat III. The higher ELO you get the less toxic and trolling players become.

I personally have my chat disabled by dragging it to the bottom right of the screen and then setting the opacity to 0. With this, I have found it easier to climb ranks since toxic players do in fact affect your ability to climb ranks.

Good luck climbing the gauntlet friends!


Active Member
May 21, 2017
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I have the same problem. Sometimes people are just toxic for no reason and there's nothing you can do. With that being said, I have also come across quite a few nice players who helped me out when I sucked, although those are few and far between. If it makes you feel better, you can disable the chat or report players after a game or play bot games if you just want to have fun. Although bot games aren't as exciting as playing against real people, I generally play bot games when I just want to relax and destress since people don't really care what you do in those games and it can be a good way to practice.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
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It is always great to have another gamer join League Of Legends. I had my ups and downs playing this game, but overall I totally am enjoying this game. I have played for about 2 years and I can tell you a few things that might be able to help you. By the way, about the toxicity in lower rankings. Everyone is still toxic in the higher rankings, so that must be great to hear for you.

Here are 10 tips that helped me climb the rankings extremely quickly
1) Keep playing
If you keep playing the game, eventually you will get better.
2) Do not give in to toxicity
Flaming your teammates will tilt them and even worse, yourself.
3) Watch Pros online
There are hundreds of videos of Pros playing champions. You can even watch a few that stream on Twitch.tv!


Active Member
Apr 28, 2016
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IMO league ranked sucks until you reach gold 4. In gold 5 or less, when someone doesn't have a good game, they end up going 1-10 in the first 15 minutes, and the other team is so fed you might as well ff. After gold 5 people generally don't have more than 4 or 5 deaths so the game isn't already over.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
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In my opinion, anyone below platinum rank is a joke. When you go into Platinum 3 and above, that is when people start tryharding.


Active Member
Jul 25, 2017
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Just mute your team to ignore flamers, it's as simple as that.

Learning the game:
You can watch livestreams from pro players or just search for some gameplay from a specific champion you like to play. Watching somebody more experienced play can help a lot with builds and how to play a champion or the game in general. Searching for guides on youtube or google can be helpful too. The most important thing is to just play the game. You don't need to play 10 hours a day but playing a few games a day helps too.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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I think that the better option you'll always have it's to avoid toxic people in League, you can choose to mute them all if you feel bad to watch what they type in the chat. I honestly say that you can improve your skills by watching pro players on Stream or YouTube that would help you so much by watching their plays, reactions, build and stuff, it's very helpful. Don't stop playing :)


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
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I think the best way to learn is just to play a lot, like a lot, but don't stop. Never stop, never get a bad attitude. Honestly, if you can turn off chat or make it so small you can't see it? That would be the best thing for everyone, and even you. You're gonna suck for the first few time months, it's okay. Don't worry.

You will get better.

You will get way better, and you'll look back on your old skills and be happy that you've improved to the point where you're P1 and trying for D5!


Active Member
Jul 28, 2017
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In my observation in the game even in the highest ranks has toxic people and because of their ranks even though they didn't play well at the game. A tip though is you can block the player so that you can't play with him again and also, you can report the player at the end of the game as verbal abuse or something and can report for 3 categories at once.