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Leaving a game?


Active Member
Jun 24, 2017
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Sometimes i don't give up playing games even if i am hungry. I can stop playing if there is something important and the only one who can do it is only me. That was in the past :tearsofjoy: But now i don't have any problem about this, I can back to play after finishing what i have to do.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
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I leave when I need to, since I have class the next day. It sucks when your friends are in a different time zone and you have to play at certain hours. But I learned that I need to be responsible and drop it when I need to. Gaming is fun, but we can't neglect other things for it. So it's good to step off when necessary.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
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In my life that is very normal right now, a game can get me boring lately and more in this stage of my life, In those that I realized lately that they are difficult to leave are the games of competitive nature, is very difficult to me right now leave that kind of games.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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Typically if I'm in the middle of a very long gaming session I do some exercises every hour, which actually makes me able to go for even longer without feeling fatigued. I try to snack now and again during sessions as well, so ultimately tiredness or hunger aren't factors for me.
For me it's just the regular meals daily. I don't do snacks since you barely stand up and get any activity on you, and adding more carbs or calories to your intake would just make you fat. I just make sure I eat the same time daily and I don't skip meals for games, but I also don't add junk food into the mix because that in itself is another health hazard because of all the sodium.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
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I usually leave a match of Team Fortress 2 at the end of a round as I don't want to be that guy who would leave in the middle of a match. If it's an emergency than I would leave immediately obviously.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2017
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I never play right before meals because I know I'll have to drop them soon and I won't be able to enjoy them as much as I wanted.
I mostly play in the evening, so I stop playing half an hour or so before I go to bed. If I find some time for an afternoon gaming session, though, I'll only stop once I feel tired of it, which...happens rarely. I just make it so gaming time doesn't overlap with duty time.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
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It is really hard to give up game sometimes, especially when the game gets interesting, but I still give up on games with the following conditions
1. When I am feeling sleepy
2. When it is time to go set my prayers
3. When I am feeling hungry


Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
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I'd quit the game once I cannot pass a stage too many times. I simply get bored off and that's it! Otherwise, I can spend nights playing a game without leaving. It is only a matter of my schedule and how hungry I get. Yikes!


Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
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There was a time when I was so addicted to gaming that leaving the computer screen was no less than conquering the Mount Everest. I felt miserable when I was away from my games.

But later as responsibilities swept in my gaming time got limited. Within that limited period I could not tolerate any disturbance at all.

After having a kid the picture turned upside down. I feel blessed even if I get half an hour of continuous gaming.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
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I leave game for many reasons, if I keep losing the game consistently, this is a good sign for me to get up from the game.
And another reason if duty calls, maybe I have to eat, ease myself or I have to help wifey then I must disengage myself with the pc. Another reason is when I start to get itching in my eyes. This usually happens to me after a while of playing game on pc I would start to get itching in my eyes.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
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Unless I got work or am hungry or have some other pre-arranged obligations, I am not leaving a game unless I'm too tired and want to go to sleep or if I'm not happy with the game. And that's a bad sign. Probably means I'll never play it again because if it's so easy to leave it, why come back?


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Jul 6, 2017
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I always play Defense of the Ancients 2, a multiplayer online battle arena, and rank games there require you to participate and play the game until the end. If you do quit in the middle of the game, you will be punished by being sent to matchmaking wherein there are handicaps and limit to what heroes you could use. I only ever leave the middle of a game if there is a sudden outing or an emergency but if possible I would like to finish the game. I know it's hard to miss on those emergency situations but I don't want to spend two hours serving my penalty because I left in the middle of a ranked game. If possible though I let my little sister, who does not know how to play the game, to substitute for me just so that I don't get the penalty. It sounds funny but a man has got to do what he has got to do.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2017
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I normally leave a game when I get frustrated,maybe because I have not been able to get past a certain level in a game,then it becomes less interesting,so leave it and free myself a bit.


Active Member
May 21, 2017
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It once happened some years back when I had to drop the very first game I ever played in life just because I had to decide leaving the old game stuff for the video and online games. Although I played these old game stuff for so many years, I couldn't continue with that so far modern technologies had brought revolutionary games.


Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
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For me it's just the regular meals daily. I don't do snacks since you barely stand up and get any activity on you, and adding more carbs or calories to your intake would just make you fat. I just make sure I eat the same time daily and I don't skip meals for games, but I also don't add junk food into the mix because that in itself is another health hazard because of all the sodium.

As someone who is paying the price for a life spent holding controllers, keyboards, and string instruments for most of the day, every day, I can tell you stretches are super important to add to this list. All gamers should look up a few quick wrist, finger and arm stretches they can do a few times a day between rounds to protect their muscles and nerves. Take it from someone who knows; carpal tunnel hurts so bad. There are days I cannot even hold a mouse to casually browse the web, much less play my bass. I will need surgery to correct this but it has a high rate of recurrence. Take care of your bodies, friends, so you can game longer!


Active Member
Jul 13, 2017
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I need to be careful with my time management, so my main issue is STARTING the game. I use gaming as an occasional reward after I have finished enough tasks and enough work. I usually only game late at night or in the wee hours of the morning because, well, work is never done, so it is something I do once the family is asleep and i feel like enjoying a different medium of pleasure and entertainment.


Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
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I need to be careful with my time management, so my main issue is STARTING the game. I use gaming as an occasional reward after I have finished enough tasks and enough work. I usually only game late at night or in the wee hours of the morning because, well, work is never done, so it is something I do once the family is asleep and i feel like enjoying a different medium of pleasure and entertainment.

I think this is a really healthy attitude to take. I know I have a bad habit of letting my frivolities distract me when I should be doing something productive. It's kind of a weird way to put it, but what you're doing is essentially gamifying the act of gaming by using it as a reward for productivity. There's something oddly poetic about that!


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
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I usually leave a game when I am hungry, tired or being bored.I am not one to play with an empty stomach. I will not skip mealtimes for any game. In the event that I am in an online MOBA game which needs time to complete, I will wait till the game round ends before going to eat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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As someone who is paying the price for a life spent holding controllers, keyboards, and string instruments for most of the day, every day, I can tell you stretches are super important to add to this list. All gamers should look up a few quick wrist, finger and arm stretches they can do a few times a day between rounds to protect their muscles and nerves. Take it from someone who knows; carpal tunnel hurts so bad. There are days I cannot even hold a mouse to casually browse the web, much less play my bass. I will need surgery to correct this but it has a high rate of recurrence. Take care of your bodies, friends, so you can game longer!
Yikes. Surgery is the only long term way out of that, right? I'm on a similar boat since I got diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy a few months back. It's from sitting a lot and your nerves on your leg gets trapped and it impedes circulation. Had to take some meds for a few weeks before I could walk again (I was in a permanent sprained ankle) because of the blockage. Really need to think of yourself before playing tons of video games.