Hi all, I thought we should make a clan.
With the name TGDB.
You must be able to get a recording device by April.
I will be the only one to tell you if you are in.
You will be told on here.
With the name TGDB.
Gamertag -
Name -
Age -
Mara or SoH -
Trickshot Skill -
Quickscope Skill -
YouTube -
Recording Device -
If So With What -
GamerTag Change To - TGDB ________
When Can You Change It -
Name -
Age -
Mara or SoH -
Trickshot Skill -
Quickscope Skill -
YouTube -
Recording Device -
If So With What -
GamerTag Change To - TGDB ________
When Can You Change It -
You must be able to get a recording device by April.
I will be the only one to tell you if you are in.
You will be told on here.