Yesterday I watched the movie version of
"Need of Speed". I confess that I wa expecting a little bit more, but the movie is relatively interesting and with some good actions scenes. :sunglasses:
Most movie based video games are terrible games only made to grab money out of people who liked the movie. I'd like more video games made into movies but unfortunately they seem to do terrible or aren't well made to reflect what people liked about the game. Examples like Warcraft and Assassins Creed come to mind. I'd want a movie based of The Last of Us. I think that would be a really nice movie that would be pretty simple to turn into a movie.
Most of the errors are due almost exclusively to studios that force the screenwriters to write stories that have a strong popular appeal, often ignoring the essence of the game itself with the creation of many stories and characters that never existed.
This is so damn annoying! :triumph:
Movies into games are ALWAYS the worst games out on the market. And if you watch the movie before playing the game is makes the experience even worse. Just look at all the hack job Lord of the Rings games that came out over the years. Every one of them sucked and they were nothing but a cash grab. I stay far away from movies that were made into games.
Excellent example! The games based on
The Lord of the Rings franchise are pretty bad! It's kind of disheartening. :sweat:
Most people don't know this but Maze runner was first a book, then a movie and then a game! so I'll say yes to this order. I quite like the idea of knowing the history line of the game and if there's a book involve even better. I'll sure buy it!
I already read the books and watched the movies, but I never played the game. Can you tell if it's worth it? :sweatsmile: Because I liked the books and the movies (especially the second one :smiley

Well in my case I think I am more open minded about it. I love movies and I love games, so if one of my favorite movies becomes a game too... of course I would give it a try. I am a Harry Potter addict, and being honest I also loved the Harry Potter game.
I tend to be quite open minded too, but some adaptations are simply unacceptable :triumph: (despite -
sometimes - some good flash scenes :sunglasses

I only remember playing Tron after the new version of Tron was released and the game was kind of boring. I don't remember it very well but I know I had it for PlayStation 3. Where there more movies turned into games?
Oh, I think I have to agree with you...
Tron was quite disappointing (more than I was expecting to be honest :sleepy

I like your list there
@Xilkozuf and you have mentioned almost the good and classic games based on movies. I too have played The Chronicles of Riddick and The Golden Eye. Also Disney's Alladin and Toy Story 2. I really like d the Disney games though. I played The Incredibles but I liked the movie than the game as to me the game was kind of tough to finish. Not all the games are bad though.
Disney is a massive hit (whether in the field of films or in the field of games).
The quality of what they do is always something to impress! I'm a big fan of their work. :wink:
I don't know what to think about the Resident Evil (animated) films. They have characters from the game like Leon, Claire, Chris, etc; but the stories are kinda cheesy when you watch them. Sure, you see more of your favorite characters, but the dialogue and plot really can't take me to their universe, and I really can't help but feel like these guys are invulnerable since they still have games to be in. So I don't really know if they are canon or not.
I kinda agree with you because sometimes I have the same impression. But I still prefer the animated movies than the live action ones.