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MW3 Online Code of Conduct - Ban/Reset FAQ


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Now, now we can stop with the "oh I spoke to a rep and he/she told me". Here is your confirmation.
a. Boosting - Any player demonstrating 'game abuse' in the form of organizing cooperative or single game play for the purpose of gaining experience, prestige, score, weapon levels, icons, titles or other related in-game unlocks.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset.

(ii) Second Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

(iii) Third Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 7 days and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

b. Cheating - Any player demonstrating 'game abuse' in the form of unknown boosting, glitching, hacking or other related offenses for the purpose of gaining experience, prestige, score, weapon levels, icons, titles or other related in-game unlocks.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset.

(ii) Second Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

(iii) Third Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 7 days and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

c. Glitching - Any player demonstrating 'game abuse' in the form of organizing cooperative or single game play for the purpose of gaining experience, prestige, score, weapon levels, icons, titles or other related in-game unlocks. Examples: Exploiting map holes, the javelin glitch, and participating in modded lobbies

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset.

(ii) Second Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 48 hours and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

(iii) Third Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 7 days and a stats reset, and a permanent ban from leaderboards.

d. Hacking - Any player demonstrating 'game abuse' in the form of modifying the executable or creating infected lobbies with or without the purpose of gaining experience, prestige, score, weapon levels, icons, titles or other related in-game unlocks.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is console banned.

e. Offensive_Behavior - Any player demonstrating in-game verbal abuse, harassing, or other related behavior deemed as universally unacceptable to other players.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is banned for 24 hours

f. Offensive_Gamertag - Any player demonstrating an offensive in-game gamer tag, to be decided as universally unacceptable to other players.

( i ) First Offense: With proper verification, user is reputation banned 5000. A reputation ban that exceeds a certain threshold can lead to bans from playing.

Im sure if you ask questions about banning from MW3,you cant absorb this info and you are probably too youung for Call of duty. *Cough*Voi*Cough*

OFFICIAL SOURCE: http://community.callofduty.com/message/205286973#205286973


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
Reaction score
Very nice thread, stuck to warn users about what can happen when you break the Code Of Conduct.