I'm not sure I follow?
The nodes are as follows:
Gaming Platforms - Lists all the platforms you are able to play games on. Essentially the consoles. This area is to talk
specifically about those consoles. Not about the games that are on the consoles.
Platform Games - This area is where one would discuss the games. It also has several sub forums for popular games. General gaming threads would normally fall under the main category here.
I know it is confusing at times, and I am still trying to find a better way to set it up, or better naming approach.\
To show what I mean, this is the "Playstation" section in the Gaming Platforms:
The Diablo 3 thread should be moved into the "Platform Games" section. As it is a game for many consoles and is not a thread specifically about the Playstation.
An easy fix might be to rename the "Gaming Platforms" to "consoles". However, I did not want to do that because it can contain sections such as the "PC" which is not a console. With that said, they are still platforms you play games on.